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My plate rises up and out of the tube. When it reaches the arena, I look around, but all I see is an empty space of nothingness and the Cornucopia in the middle, with a bunch of goodies in the mouth.

I spot the rest of the gang on the other side of the arena. I have to get to them.

Suddenly, a voice fills the arena. "Ladies and gentlemen, let the 77th Annual Hunger Games begin in 5..."

My eyes widen in terror. I catch Frank's eye. He nods grimly.


Annabeth looks determined and ready to fight. Percy gets in a running stance.


Piper glances at Jason, who looks more intimidating than ever.


I swallow down my fear, and put on the best game face I can.


I sprint off my pedestal, and race to the Cornucopia. I snatch a pair of nunchucks, a golden knife, and sling a backpack over my shoulder.

Percy grabs a trident and sword; Annabeth takes a backpack, dumps out its contents, and puts in 2 knives, 3 pairs of nunchucks, a small spear, 4 javelins, and 5 swords. She slings the weaponized backpack over her shoulder, and starts running after Percy

"Hazel! Come on!" Frank shouts. He puts me on his back, and follows them.

It seems they're all running to the very edge of the arena, if there is one. For what reasons, I do not know.

Still pursuing them, I hear a blast. It sounds like a cannon. BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!

Annabeth said something about cannon fire.


They fire a cannon when someone dies.


8 people are now dead.


15 are left.

Frank and I finally catch up to Annabeth and Percy. I slide off Frank's back, and tears form in my eyes. I grasp his hands. "Frank--"

He hugs me tightly. "I know."

"We're not even--"


"9 people are dead!" I cry angrily.

Annabeth pats my back, and Piper, Jason, and Leo reach us. "Hey, guys!" Leo greets. "What's wrong?"

"Didn't you hear the cannon? 9 people are dead already,"Percy explains. He looks at me sadly. "Hazel's upset about it."

Leo's excited expression turns to grim. "Oh...so there's only 15 left. That was quick..." He looks up. "Hey, did you hear that?"

We look around. "Hear what?", Piper inquires.

"I thought I heard the flutter of wings," Leo says. Just as the most beautiful candy-pink bird lands in front us.

The bird looks at all of us suspiciously. Its black, beady eyes bore into us. It squawks madly, and ruffles its feathers. I exchange glances with Annabeth.

Then the thing attacks. It flies at Piper, and knocks her to the ground. "Piper!" Jason screams.

"Ahhhhh! Get it off! Get it off! Ahhhhh! Help me!" Piper shouts. She tries to shoo the thing away, but the bird is strong. It pecks her and attempts to scratch out her eyes.

Annabeth grabs her knife, and tries to slash at the horrible fowl. The bird knocks the knife away, and it skids a few feet away.

I take my trident, and plunge it into the bird. It stops pecking at her, and falls to the ground. Jason helps her up, and I fling the bird away. Jason asks,"Are you okay?"

Piper, with a bunch of cuts on her face, growls,"Does it look like I'm okay, Jason Grace?"

Jason's cheeks turn red as a cherries. He wets his thumb, and wipes off the blood on her cuts. "I'm sure you'll be fine. They're only minor cuts, so they should heal quickly."

Piper nods uncertainly, and puts on her battle face. "Okay. There could be more of those coming. We need to move. Take cover."

Annabeth gestures behind her. "There's nowhere to hide. The only thing in this arena is us and the Cornucopia. I don't know why the Gamemakers didn't make the arena a desert or a forest or whatever, but this is all we have. The other Tributes probably know they're outnumbered greatly, and--"

"Annabeth..." I say.

"What is it, Percy?" She asks, rolling her eyes.

"Walk toward me very slowly..."


"There are nearly half a dozen monkeys behind you..." She looks behind her, but I yank her aside. Her eyes settle on the monkeys. Their fur is an orange-ish color; they kind of look like mutated baboons. They open their mouths to reveal long, sharp fangs. Great.

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