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My eyes whip open, and I look around. I'm surrounded by what looks like books. And there are kids. A lot of kids. And...a Cornucopia? Where am I? How did I get here? The last thing I remember is dying. A knife to the heart. How did I get here?

Everything is a blur. Except one thing: Annabeth killed me. Except another thing: I'm not dead. How am I not dead? I haven't the faintest idea. About anything. I don't know how I'm not dead, I don't know what this strange library is, I just don't know.

The moment my eyes close, they open again. In a different place. I'm now in what seems like a really big library. A large circle of kids are surrounding a golden Cornucopia. I laugh. Where am I, the Library Games?

For a long time, I was in the dark. When my eyes closed, and I sunk to the bottom of the arena, I was just in darkness. After nearly two hours of darkness, my vision finally became clearer. I'm in a library. What am I doing here? The answer is easy: I don't have a clue.

Only ten minutes after I was shot, my eyes opened again. I believe in the Underworld, but I know the Underworld isn't a library. I don't know what this place is. I don't know how I'm alive. And I must be alive. Because if I were dead, I'd be standing in front of 3 Judges in the Hades' Land.

I know only one thing: I pushed a knife into my most important internal organ. I died only one minute ago. Now I'm inside...what, the Library of Heaven? I can only assume so. Although, I didn't expect the Library of Heaven to hold only...71 other kids and a Cornucopia.

I've been swimming in the dark for an hour. Maybe longer. Well, I was swimming in the dark. Now I'm in a library. How am I here? I shouldn't be here. I should be dead. Maybe I still am.

What. Are. They. Doing. Here. My friends shouldn't be here. And yet Percy is right next to me. Standing on a similar metal plate. He doesn't seem to notice me... "PERCY!" I yell.

He turns and nearly falls off. "Annabeth? Wha--where are we? This place reminds of the arena."

"I was just going to ask you the same thing. But did you see? The others are here too." I point to the other side of the library. Hazel stands on a plate right next to the Horn of Plenty. She's talking to Leo, who's on her left. And Frank, Jason, and Piper are on the the right of the Cornucopia, talking.

"I don't know what's going on. I died like a minute ago. Now I'm here?"

"I--I died too! I killed myself. Never gave the Gamemakers a Victor. How did you die?"

"I escaped the arena. After two hours, I was captured and hung in the President's Mansion," he explains.

"You were hung?" I exclaim incredulously.

"Yeah. But as soon as my eyes closed, they opened a second later, and I'm here. You don't think this is an arena? I mean, it looks like one."

"I know. Except there isn't 24 kids. It seems like 72 kids. A circle of 72 kids surrounding a Horn. But why would they make the arena a library? Libraries aren't lethal at all," I say, still trying to process everything.

"What if it's like last time? We die, we end up here. In the Games."

"Percy, I don't think we're in the Games. This could just look like an arena. It doesn't mean it is an arena," I explain. But boy am I wrong. Because suddenly a speaker comes on. And the voice that comes out of it says:

"Ladies and Gentlemen, Welcome to the 100th Hunger Games, and the 4th Quarter Quell."

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