The Tribute Parade

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I look stupid. Very, very, stupid. I am donned in a net cleverly weaved so the only thing you don't see is my crotch. Also, my arms, legs, chest, and back is covered with painted-on scales. To top it off, my hair is dyed seaweed green like a patch of moppy moss. Stupid.

My partner, a 13-year-old named Rosey Smith, is dressed in a net as well; except the only thing you don't see is her crotch, and, er, boobs. Her hair is octopus-ink indigo.

Our stylist is an idiot. I'll have to plunge my trident into her back after all of this is over.

On the way to the Capitol, my mentor, this 50-something year old guy named Berry Winchester, explained Panem, the districts, the rebellions, and the Games to me. I also watched the recap of the Reaping. When I discovered the others were in this hellhole, I nearly had a migraine.

Anyway, Rosey and I step into our chariot. We wait for a minute or two, when a flash of yellow and electric blue tackles me. It's Annabeth. "Annabeth!" I cry.

"Percy! Are you okay?" she asks. We get up and she nearly yells,"Holy Hera, what are you wearing?"

"Oh, this? My costume. Your's is pretty interesting as well..."I say. My long-time girlfriend's costume is an electric blue jumpsuit with a dark blue tiara. She is holding a remote. "What's the remote for?"

"Oh, when I press a button, flashes of 'lightning' are going to start dancing on my jumpsuit. Jason's too," she explains.

"Where are the others?"


"ANNABETH!" Piper and Hazel run to her and nearly knocks her to the ground.

Annabeth laughs. "Hey, guys!"

Piper asks,"Where's Jason?"

"At our chariot," she answers.

"I promoise, we'll hang out after the Parade. See ya!" And Piper runs off to see her boyfriend.

"Annabeth, where's Frank?" asks Hazel.

"By his chariot, the District 5 chariot," Annabeth replies. "So, now I have a real reason to call you Seaweed Brain!" I lean in for a kiss, but she stops me. "I will not kiss you until you are fully dressed and have normal-colored hair...and skin." A bell sounds, and Annabeth hugs me. "See you later, Kelp Head!" She goes off to her chariot.

I face the front off the chariot and Rosey whispers,"Is she your girlfriend?"

"Yeah...Yeah, she is."



Our chariot takes off. As soon as we leave the building, I press the remote. Lightning streaks across Jason and mine's jumpsuits. Our costume also has a built-in speaker, that booms sounds of thunder. People can't take their eyes off of us. We're literally going in blaze-out-of-glory style. We wave to the crowd with a smile, but inside, rage is boiling inside of me. These people want to watch us die. Well, I want to kill them. See how they like it.

We arrive at the circle. President Snow comes to the balcony. "Welcome, Tributes! I hope you had a good train ride,"--as if this son of a bitch cares what we hope--"to the Capitol! I also hope you have a good time here before you leave for the arena,"--I want to plunge my knife into his neck--"in a few days. Until next time, may the odds be ever in your favor!" he says. Did he just say May the odds be ever in your favor? The odds were never in our favor.

Our chariots are pulled back into the Training Center. Jason and I hop off, and the 5 other members of our crew come up to us. "We need to talk," Frank exclaims.

"Yeah, we do. Maybe we can head up to the roof, and talk there," Jason suggests.

"We should do that. No cameras spying on us. First, though, we change," I recommend.

Percy replies,"Yeah...I'm not going up there in my scales and hair."

We all head up to our floors.

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