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By the end of the hour, only 10 Tributes are left: Us 6, and 4 others. Also, by the end of the hour, the water was 5 feet away from the ceiling. "Leo, what time is it?" Annabeth asks.

Leo looks at his watch, then looks at her. "1:58. 2 more minutes until the water drains."


We all tread in silence as the water continues to fill up the tank.

A minute later, Leo says,"1:59. In a few seconds, we should be okay...Y'know, considering we're 2 feet away from being electrocuted. 5...4...3...2...1!"

The water starts draining quickly. I dunk my head under for a second, and see that a big, circular hole has replaced a section of the floor, and the water is going down it. I get an idea; an insane idea, but an idea all the same. I swim toward the hole the water's being drained through.

Two minutes later, the tank's halfway empty, but now directly above the Drain, I go underwater, and kick in the direction of it.

A minute after, the tank is more than 2/3 empty. I'm 3 yards away from the Drain, and. I. Enter. The. Hole.

"Where's Percy?" I ask the group after we're all on the ground. My eyes sweep the arena again.

"I thought I saw him swim toward the hole that the water was being drained through," Jason says.

"What?" I demand.

"He was--I don't know. Maybe I imagined it, but I saw swim to the Draining Hole, and--"

"You didn't try to stop him?" I yell loudly. I walk up to Jason, and pin him to the wall. I grab his collar, and yank it so his face is one inch apart from mine. I whisper,"If my boyfriend is dead because you didn't try to stop him from going in there, I will personally whip your backside, and I will never let you live it down. You hear?"

"Yes," Jason squeaks. I shove him away from me, angry.

Piper touches my shoulder, and I turn. "What?" I snap viciously.

"You do realize that if the Draining Hole leads to the outside world, Percy can save himself, not killed himself."

"Yes, but if the Hole leads to another tank that's cleaned by a Capitol worker, he could get in serious trouble, and be hanged. How about THAT?!" I scream. I slide my back down the wall, and put my head in my hands. "I hope he's okay."

"So do we, Annabeth. And I'm sure he's okay. He's tough," Jason tells me. And he's right. Percy is tough. Always has been.

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