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Most people use fairy and faerie in the same sense and do not consider it having many differences. But, both fairy and faerie are used for two different mythical spirits or figures.

"Fairy" is a word that is derived from the Latin word "fatum," which can mean "fate." Fairies are considered to be a group of young and pure spirits.

"Faerie" is a word that is derived from "fear shidhe," which means "man of the shee."

Unlike the fairies, faeries are considered to be evil, horrid, and mischievous creatures. These mythical figures are portrayed as spirits that know easy ways of stealing. For example, faeries steal children and keep them as slaves or pets.

The faeries are evil, unfriendly, and cruel spirits. The faeries are a bit dangerous also.

~Trigger Warning~

This story is about faeries and not fairies, which means everything goes. Including really negative stuff.

Proceed at your own risk.

Will update this story once, twice or three times a week, don't forget to vote and leave a comment ^-^

~Fun Fact~

Walmart has a lower acceptance rate than Harvard.

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