Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

They burst through the pale yellow door, with so much ease they actually fell on top of each other on the way in. "I thought it was locked." Thomas groaned, as they all climbed back onto their feet.

"Why would I lock the door when I want you in here?" Hissed the same voice that was in the last room they were in. They looked to see another version of Janus standing on the bed, over the original's body. Only this version had all scales, with both eyes identical to a snakes."Hello, Thomasss. Horrid to finally meet you." He hissed, with a big grin that showed off his fangs.

Thomas gawked. He never imagined what Janus would look like covered in scales. The two snakes eyes sent chills down with his spine. They looked through him. They could see everything. Thomas knew that this version, was unlike the scaleless Janus that showed nothing. This one, seemed gleeful and full of mischievousness. "Janus?" He asked.

"There's two of them?" Virgil mumbled.

"Of course there would be two. This is an oversight on my part." Logan mumbled mostly to himself but loud enough for Thomas and Virgil to hear him.

"Janusss, eh." The serpent hissed, almost giddily. "If you mussst. I let Intrusssive Thoughtsss call me what he wantsss. I sssupose I could extend the sssame courtesssy to you, for now."

"Where is Remus? I thought he was locked in here as well?" Virgil asked, a hiss of his own escaping, as he glared up at this new Janus.

"Sssafe. I couldn't let my dear Intrussive Thoughsss to ssstay here when I ssseen you make your way here." The serpent answered, his eyes never moving off of Thomas. "I mussst sssay I am flattered. You ran around in circlesss, just for me. Too bad you are a little late!" The Serpent hissed, his grin turning into a sneer, lifting his foot to stomp it on Janus's body head, the Deceitful Sides body erupting into golden little fairy lights that slowly vanished.

"NO!" Virgil shouted! Logan next to him looking just as shocked

"Why would you do that?!" Thomas asked, scrambling to the bed and trying to catch the little lights in his hands as they vanished.

"What wasss your plan exactly? Coming bursssting into my room and what? Drag the body to that ridiculoussss wall, yank the piecesss out and sshove them back in that sssmall little hole?" He asked, condescendingly with a laugh.

"Um, yes. Kind of." Thomas answered. He didn't know which one was worst the stoic Scaleless Janus. Or this serpent version standing before him. So, when the grin reappeared, he didn't know if he had answered correctly, or had just amused the Serpent version of Janus.

"Your little group hasss dwindled. Ran into trouble didn't we." He chuckled.

"So, you were waiting for us. I'm guessing you are also the one responsible to getting rid of Roman and Patton." Logan finally spoke up, stepping forward.

"Of courssse. And what fun it was to sssee you run with your tailsss between your legsss. Although I will have to sssay I'm not that sssurprisssed. Virgil and you being the lassst two ssstanding." The Serpents eyes moved back to Thomas. "Now we know where othersss ssstand. Who will sssurvive Thomasss? Do you want to answer now, or ssshall we continue to play?"

"This isn't a game Janus!" Virgil shouted.

"Maybe not for you." Was the chuckled reply.

"Janus, I've had enough. I don't want to do this anymore." Thomas said, almost pleadingly, moving forward and holding out his hand. "Let's get you back together, and then we can talk, yeah?" He said, and there was a hopeful note in his voice as the Serpent seemed to study the hand held out to him. "Let's go home."

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