Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Remus stared for a long time at the pale yellow door, after Self Preservation went inside. He couldn't believe the others. Couldn't they see that Janus wasn't okay. Sure they had Self Preservation, but it was like having a free roaming doll with no emotion. They had turned Janus into a blank slate, who's seemed to know nothing but work. Remus let his eyes slide to the stair way, where the others were down stairs. How dare they try and make Janus shapeshift.. What right did they have to demand that of him? He raged as he marched himself back down the stairs.

The others were all crowding around each others talking amongst themselves. Their talking coming to an immediate halt when they spotted him. "Remus..." Roman started to say.

"What the fuck is wrong with you all?!" Remus demanded, stopping whatever his brother was about to say. "Trying to make him shift! Really!"

Logan stepped forward. " As I said, we did not force him. We merely thought that maybe the damage done to his core maybe had him stuck in a shift that he thought we would all find appealing." Logan explained.

"It doesn't matter you shouldn't have even fuckin' asked that of him! Not when you know damn well his core damaged. If roles were reversed and it was Happy Patty, none of you would allow him to even so much as move!" Remus growled. "How fuckin' dare you! All of you!"

Patton looked so close to tears and looking so ashamed of himself. "Kiddo-"

"I'm not your damn kid! He's not you damn kid either!" Remus shouted. "Stop acting like you've cared this whole time! It doesn't fix anything!"

"Hey! There is no call for that. Patton didn't do anything wrong!" Roman jumped in, stepping forward a bit.

"Right! Ha! He didn't do anything." Remus snapped. "I'm outta here. Chaos to wreck and everything." He growled out, as he stomped back up stairs.

Everyone let out a collective breath of relief, once they heard Remus's door slam shut. "He's right. I did nothing to help Janus feel welcomed." Patton mumbled.

Logan nodded. "I think we are all to blame when it come to attempting to make them feel welcomed. We all could have done more."

Virgil huffed, otherwise didn't say anything. What could he say? They all felt ashamed.

"Maybe he's right. We should be more careful with him." Roman said, after a bit of thinking. "He's like a blank slate right now. We can do better, and show him we can do better." He looked around to gauge the others reactions.

"The first thing we can do is try and make his job easier." Logan said, tapping at his chin as he thought. "Which mean we should take shifts in watching Thomas. According to his schedule he is promising and overbooking himself for the next few days." Logan instructed, summoning his planner.

"I thought with Self Preservation he would be unable to overwork himself?" Roman questioned.

"That's not to the problem. He's leaving enough time for him to take care of himself, but not enough time to spend on certain project, which could effect him financially. Self Preservation is doing his job. But without that be of deception of selfishness, Thomas lacks the ability to say no. Not that he can't say no, but that it is harder to say no." Logan explained.

"But what about the script?" Virgil asked.

"Unless one of us can convince him otherwise, we will not be even touching the new episode within three weeks." Logan informed.

"What!" Roman shouted appalled.

"He could lose his audience, if we hold off too long." Virgil grumbled.

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