Chapter 1: Welcome to Ouran Academy!

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This story has already been on three other sites, Quotev,, and Archive of Our Own, I'm up to chapter 19 when I'm adding Wattpad here to the list now

Daniel Hideyoshi, a fifteen-year-old boy who's Japanese-American. The boy was born in America but was raised in Japan by his parents. The boy was feminine in appearance with his long, black hair with his girlish features. He was sure he would have more masculine facial features in the future. It was his life and he accepted that and everything was normal as he suspected his life would turn out to be. Though life had different ideas when his family had to move.

At first, he didn't understand why but one letter gave him all the explanation he needed. He was still in shock at how this had happened. All he could do was reread the acceptance letter over and over as he sat in the backseat of his car as his father drove him and his mother to their new home closer to Ouran Academy. His parents were ecstatic about it. About him going to an elite school for kids who could have anything they wanted by throwing around money like it was confetti.

Daniel was still in shock about the whole thing. He didn't expect to ever get accepted into this school in his lifetime. He only applied to the school because his friends made him do it. Now because of that, he was going to this school for high-class, rich students. He wouldn't be able to see his friends again and he was sure was expected to make new ones, but he was fine with the friends he had, they were great, weird but great. They grew up together and now they were going to live far apart now. Sure he could call them but it wouldn't be the same. That wasn't the only part that made Daniel upset.

He could only hit his head on the sheet of paper as a picture of his face was printed on the upper left corner, underneath the words; 'To, Ms. Danielle Hideyoshi' was written. He was accepted into the school as a female student. Just his luck, right? They even sent him a uniform, the big yellow dress the girls of the school wore along with the shoes and the socks. The socks were okay, he liked them, he would never admit it but he liked them. He liked wearing knee-high socks for girls, they were comfy to him.

His parents, mostly his mom teased him about it, now even more so when she saw his uniform. They did nothing to correct the mistake, saying; 'They already sent a uniform for you all paid for, we can't just send it back, they might not send another uniform for you without us having to pay for it. It'll be alright, it doesn't matter if your a boy or a girl, right?'. Okay, they were right but still. Though now he couldn't do anything about it.

"Cheer up, Daniel! It'll be fun! Just imagine all of the things you could do! It's going to be like entering a totally new world! Just imagine the colleges that could open up for you when you graduate! Not everyone can say they went to Ouran Academy and graduated right?" His mother told him, turning around in her seat in the passenger side to look at her son. She couldn't move much because of the seatbelt but she sure tried.

Daniel wanted to frown, he really did but just seeing his mom being so bouncy and excited for him like a child made him break into a smile and a small giggle. "You'll have a great time, you'll see! Just make sure you don't do anything stupid on your first day." She told him, waving her finger at him making him roll his eyes with a smile.

"I don't know about that, but I'll try to stay out of trouble. I'm more worried about being a second-class citizen in a first-class school." Daniel sighed, already expecting the kids there to be stuck up snobs, bragging about the stuff they own and laughing at the lack of stuff he had.

His mother gave him a soft smile. "Darling, don't focus on those stereotypes, I'm sure they'll be different than what you think. Just know they were raised differently than you and the same goes for you. So, of course, there's going to be some problems but you can get past all of that. You're a Hideyoshi, and Hideyoshi's don't let their problems stop them from their goals." She beamed at him.

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