Chapter 24: Operation Haruhi and Hikaru's First Date!

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Arai looked at Haruhi a bit skeptically. "Haruhi Fujioka?" He asked her.

"Hey Arai." Haruhi replied while Tamaki has his hands on Hikaru and Kaoru's shoulders looking between them.

Daniel was still waking up as he drank some juice. "So uh, these are your friends?" Arai asked smiling nervously.

"Oh, yeah, this is Hikaru, Kaoru, and Daniel, they're in my class." Haruhi said as Daniel lifted a hand in a little wave towards Arai. "And this is..." She looked at Tamaki who was giving her puppy dog eyes. "My Sen-...An acquaintance of mine." She smiled as Tamaki paled.

Daniel coughed trying not to die as Haruhi basically not friend-zoning Tamaki as Misuzu added a foul note sound effect on the piano to add to Tamaki's pain.

"Misuzu... please don't add any sound effects to my moment of despair." Tamaki said slowly turning his head toward them.

Haruhi and Arai sat together at a table talking. "I haven't seen you since graduation." She told him.

"Yeah, you've cut all your hair off. That's such a shame." He replied.

Haruhi lifted a strand of her hair, playing with it when he mentioned it. "I don't think so. I mean, since I cut it, it has been easier to manage." She said in response as he nodded.

"So how's Ouran treating you? Do you keep in touch with anyone from middle school anymore?" He asked her.

"Yeah a little, Kazumi still calls me. What about you?" She looked at him.

Meanwhile the third years and Kyoya sat at a table while Hikaru and Kaoru sat by a counter as Daniel was sitting with them.

"So, then he's a friend of Haruhi's from middle school, huh?" Kyoya commented.

Hikaru just scoffed. "They've had zero contact since graduation, so in my opinion they're not friends just former classmates." He said as Kaoru looked over at him.

"It's hard when you go to different schools Hikaru." Daniel replied frowning at his change of behavior.

"So these guys are all in the same club as you?" Arai questioned.

"Host Club." She replied with a blank face.

Hikaru raised an empty glass, the ice clinking from the movement. "Hey Haruhi, don't you think you should be working? You shouldn't be slacking off!" He called to her from the other side of the room.

"Misuzu said I could take a break!" Haruhi replied sweat-dropping a bit as the sounds of paper being ripped were heard making her look over at Tamaki who was in his corner tearing pieces of the manual he made in a pile. "Hey! Quit making more garbage I'll have to take out!" She yelled at him.

"It's not garbage. I'm making a hamster home." Tamaki replied in a pouty voice.

"But Senpai, you don't have a hamster." She told him.

"I'm not your Senpai." Tamaki told her as he glances over at her before looking back at the paper. "I'm just an acquaintance of yours." He said.

Daniel sighed. "Hikari and Aaron have a hamster, though I'm not sure if this paper is suited for a hamster." He told Tamaki.

"They... Share a hamster?" Tamaki asked as Daniel took out his phone showing him pictures of the hamster.

"Yeah, I think her name is Storm or something, I don't remember." Daniel replied.

"She's so cute." Tamaki said before Arai chuckled.

"Wow, who knew you Ouran guys were so funny." He said as Tamaki sweated profusely. "You know it's such a prestigious school, I've always imagined it's a whole different world." He told them.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2023 ⏰

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