Chapter 15: A Challenge From Lobelia Girls' Academy!

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It was the end of class and he and Haruhi were working on work as three girls stood in front of them, talking to them.

"Really? All the afternoon classes have been canceled?" Haruhi asked as she looked up at the three girls.

"You mean no one told you?" A girl questioned, tilting her head.

"Told us what?" Daniel questioned with a raise of his brow.

"It's going to be crazy around here for the next two days. Ouran is hosting an exposition for the cultural clubs." The second girl explained.

"Drama and choral clubs from a bunch of other schools have been invited. It's a big event this school hosts annually." The third girl added, excitedly with a bright smile.

With this new knowledge, Daniel realized he could leave early. Well, he still had the Host Club to go to after school but he was sure he would be back by then. Though he wasn't sure if he was allowed to leave.

"Is this event mandatory? If not I'd rather do my own thing." Daniel told them.

"Well, no, but wouldn't you rather-" The girl didn't finish before Daniel left the room, enjoying his newfound freedom. He couldn't leave the campus but he was free to do what he pleased and that gave him excitement.

He was lost in his own head as he rounded the corner and bumped into a pair of girls. "Oh my god, I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going." Daniel told them before noticing they weren't students from Ouran. They must be here because of the exposition happening.

"Oh, it's quite alright." One of the girls told him before looking at him with a smile. "It must have been fate for us to have met, young lady. My name is Chizuru Maihara, but you may call me Suzuran." One of them told him before the shorter one with the shorter hair piped up.

"And I, maiden, is Hinako Tsuwabuki, but you can call me Hinagiku." She replied taking Daniel's hand with a bow and placing a kiss on it.

Daniel found their behavior a little weird and didn't know how to react. "Um, I'm Danielle Hideyoshi." He replied to them.

Suzaran smiled. "What a beautiful name for a beautiful girl." She said softly lifting his chin up and moved closer.

Daniel froze at this action and became flustered. "Uh, thanks." He said taking a step back from them.

"Apologies, maiden, have you by any chance know where the Host Club is?" Suzaran asked him.

"Yeah, I can lead you the way," Daniel told them before leading the two girls through the school to get to the Host Club.

"Here we are, this is the place." He told them stopping in front of the double doors to the abandoned music room 3.

The two girls opened the doors walking in with Daniel following after them. "Welcome, ladies!" He heard the host club making his eye twitch at what they were wearing.

"What are you guys wearing?" Daniel blankly asked.

"We're knights, obviously." The twins replied before Tamaki had his focus on the two newcomers.

"Well, well, well. I see you two ladies are from another school. I certainly hope we haven't startled you. We love first-time guests." Tamaki told them holding a realistic-looking sword.

"Aren't weapons not allowed here?" Daniel asked the others since Tamaki was too into his role to notice.

"We have permits and they're only for show," Kyoya told him not helping how Daniel felt about having weapons here.

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