- together again

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this must be the floor where they kept (name). i saw them go up to the next level using a wooden ladder, so this has to be it.

i grabbed the hammer that laid on the floor, walking towards a child drawing on the floor. although i stopped, seeing a lifted floorboard.

this must be another trap.

i had to get her attention somehow, so i hit the floor. the child turned around and started sprinting towards me, seemingly forgetting about the trap they had set up for another child.

although it didn't work, well, for me anyway.


the child fell, immobile on the ground. she's dead. i heard another screech, and there was another. i waited on my spot, gripping the hammer.


i almost didn't see the third child coming for me, but i still destroyed them anyway. i walked past the bucket full of toys, dragging the hammer with me.

i cautiously walked through the lockers, sensing something was wrong.

they wouldn't have set up no traps if they were going to catch me on their own. so i gripped the handle of the hammer, ready to smash another head.

a child dropped down the tall locker, and i managed to hit them easily. another child fell down behind me, and i got them as well.

i moved left, more lockers looming over me like they're watching my every move. the locker door opened behind me, and i swiftly swung my hammer over.


another child popped up behind the lockers, sprinting towards me.


i walked past the lockers, looking at the ground.

if there's anything i should be wary of now, it's traps. i already destroyed seven children, but i should still be on my guard.

i analyzed the floorboards, spotting one that was lifted. i stepped on it, and there was another bucket going through the door.

when it stopped, i immediately went through.

it was a bathroom with two of those children again. i looked up at what they were laughing and jumping at.


they were hanging upside-down, helpless as a rope was attached to their legs. i caught the attention of one of the children, and they sprinted towards me.


the other one almost immediately rushed when i killed his friend, so i decided to reunite them, even though i just destroyed him.


their lifeless bodies sat on the ground, the shards of their heads scattered on the ground. i gripped the hammer, destroying the board and the rope holding (name) upside down with a grunt.

(name) yelped, dropping onto the ground.

"(name)!" i rushed to their side, about to shake them before their head lifted up. (name) looked at me in surprise, as if i was a ghost.

i stretched out my hand, and they took it, engulfing me in a hug almost immediately.

i looked around to the side, seeing if we could escape from this hellhole. a very obvious window was right on top of the table.

"let's go." i said, and we parted from the hug. i jumped on the table, and grabbed the edge of the window. i grunted, struggling to lift the window open.

paper bag // little nightmaresWhere stories live. Discover now