small ch. 13 !?

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( this is just a 200 readers special hahah..... don't get your hopes up on new chapters )


(p.s: well, originally.)


(name) sat on the rock, staring out into the horizon.

they were bored, wondering what to do now that they had escaped that hell hole. maybe go and find some food? they were starving, but they didn't have any motivation to stand up and use their legs. 

now that they were far from the signal tower — although not yet away from the city where its people were corrupted — they sat on a rock, watching the waves that could easily float them away into the vast ocean that stretched for miles. 

(name) felt a tap on their shoulder, so they looked to see who it was.

it had been days, and they've had to adjust to the sight of mono without a paper bag over his head. although they did hold a grudge for around two days for him looking awfully similar to the thin man, they did get used to it eventually. 

mono smiled, and in his hands he was carrying what seemed like a donut. (name) smiled, thanking mono with a nod. but it was too big; they'd have to save some for later. so (name) stood up and dusted any sand that could be on the rock and sat on the sand, splitting the donut in two. they did that so mono could have his share, and another for the next meal. well, it was technically a snack break from all the danger that still continued to roam around the area.

(name) took the first bite as mono sat down on the sand, watching the waves flow in the water. at night, it had seemed so horrifying, with the fog and all the objects laying around in the water. but at morning, it was an entire different view. as if their travels to come to this time was worth seeing the beautiful sight of the beach. 

although in such a horrid place, it seems to have brought comfort as the two of them bit down on the food that mono managed to get. but to be perfectly honest, during that time inside that... dimension, mono really doubted that (name) would pull them up, especially since he did technically destroy the only item that was with them from the beginning to the end.

either way, mono was happy of how it turned out. over the days, they've survived from the city, sneaking in some areas with people that still resided in it. one time, mono witnessed (name) bite down on one of the "people" out of hunger. 

but, although they would still be attacked and chased, the both of them finally realized that they can rely on the other to save them. that's what friends were for, right?

(name) finished their side faster than mono's, since their appetite was large. they could feel the cold water brushing against their leg, as well as the wind that went through the air. mono wasn't even halfway to eating the donut, to which they smiled to. 

but this peaceful moment wouldn't last, and both of them knew that. so once they heard a ship's horn, the two looked at the direction. there was a ship, a metal ship which they could use to escape from this wretched place. (name) and mono looked at each other for a moment before nodding. 

(name) noticed a door that's been broken in half, to which they could use as a boat to get away from this wretched city.

mono had discovered a large stick, good for paddling. if it came to cooperating with each other, it was as if the both of them already knew what to do. (name) pushed the larger portion of the door to the sea, and mono ran to them with the stick dragging behind. they pushed the door down into the sea, and they sat on it as mono began to paddle the boat towards the ship. 

(name) looked around, noticing how it was growing foggier by the second. they had a bad feeling about this decision... but they both wanted to get away from the horrid city as much as mono wanted to forget what he had seen how the thin man looked similar to his face, and they would do anything to do so.

then a flash of white light. the dream faded away into the darkness, when suddenly, a woman appeared.

the shadows covered her figure until she turned around.

a mask.

the woman wore a bright, white mask.

then (name) woke up.


(name) jolted awake with a small gasp. their first thought was to look around, but all they saw were junk and walls.

no sign of a paper bag.

their eyes dropped down to the ground. their stomach rumbled, indicating that they were starving.

the dream had accidentally made them hungry.

it had been a time since mono's "death." it was not the best idea, but it would be if they had no other options.

they had slept on a small mattress inside a rectangular box.

they would resume sleeping, but they were starving. so they stood up from the box, picked up the lighter, and moved.

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