A Beginning

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In a bright clear sky, the sun shined directly at where the current Emperor and Empress live in, the Emerald Palace. 

There was a lot of shouting here and there, servants left and right was running around with towels in their hands, all running to a singular room which was slightly crowded, not only was it filled with maids but it also had familiar characters in there.

In the room on the bed, there laid a beautiful grown woman with a swollen stomach, she had platinum blonde wavy hair, and her jewel-like eyes glowed in its blue shaded color with tears in them. That gorgeous woman was none other than her majesty the Empress, Athanasia de Alger Obelia.

Next to her was a man that looked similar to her, he was the man that was formerly named the Emperor of Obelia, he had blonde hair slightly darker than his daughter, but he had the same blue jeweled eyes as her, in fact, that was exactly where the current Empress got her eyes from. Former Emperor, his majesty, Claude de Alger Obelia.

And finally, the man whom the Empress fell for, he was there holding the hand of his beloved as she cried in pain, ever since she was 5 years old had she adorn the former Duke's child, the title of Duke was given to that child for only a moment, right before the Empress suddenly decided to choose the silver-haired and honey golden-eyed man, his appearance was what many called surreal, a man that everyone believed had no flaws, and a perfect candidate to be the Emperor. 

His majesty, Ezekiel de Alger Obelia.

"Athanasia, hold on a little longer! The maids are coming soon with the preparations right now!" Ezekiel spoke in panic, just watching Athanasia in pain was enough to hurt him, he was so close to yelling at the maids to hurry up even though they were already at their quickest.

As Ezekiel was grabbing onto Athanasia's hand tightly while Claude stood there, his face was filled with worry as his stomach ached, he was so terrified but he didn't know what to do. This situation, everything that was going on right now, was all familiar to him, so familiar it made him sick to the head. He felt that if he had moved right now, or even touched his daughter, she would break, like her mother.

"Your majesty, we will begin the procedure right now. We will have to humbly request that you wait for her majesty outside until it is finished" The royal doctor said with a hand to his chest, lowering his eyes in front of Ezekiel, Ezekiel glanced at Claude, who was staring down at the doctor, then he gave a shaky sigh.

"Alright, we'll leave for now" 

Ezekiel decided, he gave Athanasia a peck on her forehead as they shared looks, then he left the room, waiting for Claude's turn to come out.

A few minutes later Claude finally came out, the door closes and the hallways were silent, in the opposite sides of the door there was a fine distance between the current and former Emperor. Ezekiel expected no kind words from Claude since it was a known history for Claude to dislike Ezekiel and his family, more specifically his father, Roger Alpheus.

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