A Future Problem

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In a crowded area, there stood a man with a black hood covering his features, browsing through the stack of books in an empty aisle, suspiciously taking glances around him before lifting the stack away to reveal a golden-colored book.

It's a good thing we all decided to separate...

He thought, the sudden flashback of him talking with three others that were smaller than him and had similar features to him, the moment he had recommended that they all separate with the youngest and the second youngest accompanying together, although it was decided by Aurora that the two would accompany her first for clothes shopping.

Well, it wasn't like Emrys had anything to worry about since as long as Atanazy was with one of his siblings then everyone else was free to do whatever they wanted.

Surprisingly, Emrys found out recently that the romance novel series he had been reading was missing its final volume, in which Emrys made sure to do research knowing that the series had a new volume every 2 years, the last volume was released a month ago.

Alright, let's just buy this and find my siblings as quickly as possible!

He thought, holding the book close to his chest like a little girl, even if he was aware he was in disguise he didn't want to take the risk of anyone recognizing him since he was aware of the time his mother proudly shared that when she was outside in disguise his father immediately knew who she was, Emrys didn't want the same thing to happen to him, not when he's doing something like this at this moment.

He quietly placed the book on the table where the bookseller sat, behind him was a line of other people who were waiting for him to finish buying the book, Emrys being more conscious of his surroundings had sweat running down his face, he lightly placed gold coins on the desk and grabbed the book once the checking was done.

He went ahead to bolt his way towards the door, blocking all his senses and only focusing on reaching outside the door, the moment he was about to open the door he bumped into something, dropping the book on the floor as well as hearing a loud thump hit the ground.

Emrys mentally cussed, he looked down to see a smaller figure compared to his, strands of black hair was sticking out of the person's hood, the moment the person looked up to make eye contact with Emrys he could see the same black colored eyes, looking closer at the figure it was a girl younger than him.

The girl had slanted eyes, her pitch-black eyes showed no signs of light shining in them, her eyebrows were naturally furrowed which made her look intimidating, and her hair was cut short with hints of brown that would be revealed when it's against the sunlight.

I need to apologize!

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