Chapter 5 - The Very Strange Conversation

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"OK, this is fine, this is totally fine" Marinette repeated, she had just learned Adrien was chat noir and she was far from handling it well.

"This is-"
"If you say fine I will get Plagg to cataclysm you." Tikki whined, she was usually very patient with Marinette but it had been a number of minutes now and she couldn't take hearing the word fine one more time.

Marinette's phone started ringing.
Marinette almost jumped out of her skin once she heard her ringtone.

"JESUS CHRIST I PRESSED CALL" Adrien yelled, halfway across the street. He almost tossed his phone in the air and scuttled it around in his hands like it was a boiling hot potato, the ringing stopped.

"Um hello?" Marinette's apprehensive voice asked, Adrien's eyes went wide, Plagg tried to stop himself but he couldn't, he busted out laughing. "Plagg!" Adrien scolded, he quickly clapped his hand over his mouth, if she didn't know before, she had to now. After all they was no chance Marinette didn't know who Plagg was if she were indeed Ladybug.

"Plagg god dammit!" A high voice squealed, "Hey sugarcube!" Plagg said, his laughter seemed to have cleared and his face was now a wide grin. "Will you be quiet Plagg!" Adrien said more than asked.
"Um Mari?"
"I'm still here" Marinette sighed, she sounded as though she wanted to bury herself alive and she kind of did, she was so red in the face she could easily blend in if Hawkmoth attacked at a supermarket's fruit section "A-a-a" Marinette stuttered, that wasn't unusal for Marinette, she stuttered quite alot, mostly around Adrien.
"So," Adrien said, "you're Ladybug." It was an odd statement to through out there but he did anyway.
"Yeah, " Marinette mumbled, "And you're chat noir." Another odd statement to come out with.
The conversation didn't grow less awakward, "We should talk!" Adrien said,
Wow so smooth he thought to himself, this was far from what he imagined their identity reveal would be like.
"Sure." Marinette chirped, despite this they both silent chippered around for a number of moments before adrien piped up, "Alya and Nino would be cackling hysterically if they were here." He heard Marinette laugh over the line and smiled, Marinette had to admit, that was pretty accurate.
"They really would." She said briskly, the thought of them hearing this conversation made her more embarrassed than she already was.

Adrien didn't know why this was the first question on his mind but it suddenly occurred to him, maybe because he had brought up Alya.
"So is Alya the person you told about being Ladybug?" He asked, "Was she scarabella?" Now that he had said it out loud he noticed how scarabella looked excactly like Alya, which only caused to him remeber how identical Ladybug and Marinette looked.
Their shared blue silky pigtails, their shared bluebell eyes, roset pink cheeks, very long eyelashes and even their voices for crying out loud!

"Yes, Alya was scarabella." Marinette answered, Adrien zoned back into reality.
"Huh." Was all he could manage to say. Lucky for him Marinette had suddenly thought of something she wanted to air out.
"So that's why you missed ice cream with everyone?" She asked, "you were waiting for Ladybug as chat noir." Adrien recalled the instance Marinette was referring to, the day he had abandoned his friend's plans to get icecream so he could wait for Ladybug, who never showed.
"Wow that was stupid of me." He mumbled, Marinette was Ladybug. The "plans she had with her friends" were plans to get icecream WITH HIM. He struck his hand over his forehead hoping Marinette didn't hear his outburst of cringe over his own actions, it would appear she did as she giggled into the phone.
"I actually ditched you, to hang out wit you!" She almost yelled, as embarrassed as it made her she found it quite amusing that they had gotten themselves tangled in this little paradox.
"Yep, we're idiots." Adrien said mindlessly, Marinette shed a giggle once again, "It would appear so." She sighed.

The two carried on their exchange of embarrassing instances until it delevoped almost into a contest.

"You jumped into a trex mouth!" Adrien yelled.
"You jumped off of a building and into lies bubble!"
"You-you-" Adrien stammered, "You took control of a dragon!"
"You sacrafised yourself to time breaker!"
"You catcslymsed a statue of me!"
They two burst into shared laughter,
"There was little evidence wasn't their?" Marinette giggled and agreed, "She did try to kiss me though." At these words Marinette's laughter heightened, "Then it definetly wasn't me." She said, she felt weird saying those words to Adrien, she hasn't mentioned the fact that the "other boy she liked" was in fact him, the two seemed to have trapped themselves in something of a square, being in love with and friend zoning eachother while simultaneously rejecting eachother for eachother, it was highly unusual to say the least.

"I have to go, I promised I'd meet up with Alya today." Marinette said quickly, "At the school?" Adrien asked, Marinette nodded before realising he wouldn't be able to see that, "Yeah." She said, "I'm going there with Nino." Adrien said, "I'll see you there."

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