Chapter 10 - Wait What?

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It had been three days since that day at school and the news hadn't faded away. People kept asking Marinette heeps of questions when they saw her, (except Alya who felt to bad to ask anything.)
Therefore, Marinette spent most of her time with Adrien.
They were eating lunch at a local coffee shop in Paris when they got onto the subject.
"That picture has officially gone viral." Marinette sighed, her phone in her eyesight. Adrien grabbed the phone and moved it to the side of the table.
"Don't worry, I'm it'll blow over." He truly hoped so, he was so sick of people running up to Marinette interrogating her. He was also sick of people seeing him talking to her and wanting him to not "get to close as she's dating a superhero" despite Marinette's denial.
"Shadowmoths hasn't akumatized anybody in three days." Marinette said, trying to change the topic, "Should we be worried he's up to something?" Adrien shool his head, "I don't think so, he'll probably be back at it soon enough." Adrien took a sip of his coffee, he hadn't had it before and it was actually quite good. Suddenly, Marinette's phone buzzed. "Ugh." She groaned reading her screen, "What is it?" Adrien asked, "Nadja shamrock wants to interview Ladybug and Chat noir." Adrien looked puzzled, "That's not so bad-"
"She wants ask us about that photo!" Adrien sighed, why was this the most important thing in the news?
"What should we tell her?" He asked, Marinette slid her phone back onto the table, they hadn't discussed what had happened since it had.
"We're not doing that interview." She took a bite of her pastry. "Maybe we should." Adrien suggested, Marinette gave him a judging look, "I just mean we can put these rumours to rest." Marinette threw her head onto the table, "Okay." She grumbled, Adrien, not quite knowing what to say, patted her head like she was dog, "What are you doing?" She asked, looking up, "I don't know how to make you not sad." Marinette chuckled, "I'm not sad." She explained, "I'm just annoyed that people think it's anyone's buisness but ours." Adrien wouldn't say it out loud as he didn't want to add on any stress but he was wondering what almost everyone was wondering, what was the deal with them? He cleared his throat.
"What should we tell her?" Marinette paused.
"We'll tell her that this is not superhero buisness and our personal lives aren't anybody concern."
"That'll add fuel to the fire bugaboo."
Marinette slumped down in her chair, Adrien tried to hide his smile.
"Ok, we'll tell her that we're not together, that'll get everyone off my back."
Adrien's smile dropped, he wasn't super happy about that idea.
"Me and your superhero self I mean." Marinette corrected herself quickly, she didn't add much after that, just silently finished her pastry.
"And what if she asks about other us?"
"What do you mean?" Marinette asked perplexed.
"I mean our superhero selves together." Marinette's ears went red, "Um-I-I-don't-" Adrien sighed, they really needed to talk.
"We need to talk." Marinette quickly nodded. "We haven't talked since before Alya posted that picture." She mumbled, "Excactly!" Adrien exclaimed, he was unexplainable nervous, it felt like his brain was being beaten by a large metal coatrack. "I really like you." Marinette went even redder, taking a large sip of her drink.
"I- r-r-" Marinette cleared her throat, "I really like you too." Adrien felt like doing a summersault.
"But because of this picture-" Adrien suddenly had a potential dangerous but highly comedic idea.
"Marinette do you know what would be hilarious?" Marinette raised her shoulders as if to ask what?
"If we dated as my superhero self and your civilian self and as your superhero self and my civilian self." Marinette grinned, she had to admit the idea was funny.
"But that might be dangerous with Shadowmoth around."
"When have his plans ever worked before?" Marinette laughed, he had a point, Shadowmoth hadn't once succeeded. "You think we should do it?" She asked, Adrien nodded so fast he may have hurt his neck. "We can tell people in that interview!" Marinette thought for a moment, it may be risky but they had beaten Shadowmoth before and this would be enjoyable.
"Let's do it." She said cheerfully, Adrien smiled. "So wait a minute." He said, "We're dating?" Marinette nodded, he had to resist the urge to do a backflip.
"I'd kiss you but that would throw off the plan." Marinette laughed, "Yeah that'll be the difficult part of the plan." Adrien went redder than Marinette.

That Sunday was the day if the interview with Nadja Shamock on prime time tv.
That morning, Marinette and Adrien transformed respectively, met up at the studios and swaltered into the room where Nadja was sitting tapping her ipad with her long mauve nails.
"Hello Nadja." Ladybug said, taking a seat.
The interview soon kicked off and just like they expected, the first thing Nadja did was pull up that photo onto the big screen.
"Chat Noir can you explain this photo?" Nadja asked, her voice almost sounded robotic, it always had, they all assumed it was a reporter thing much like Adrien randomly posing in the rain.
"Actually yes I can." Chat said, Ladybug had one thought he's enjoying this way to much.
"That is me right there, I do look good." Chat said, "And that is my girlfriend Marinette dupain-cheng." Cue collective gasps. "I believe you know her." Nadja looked like she had won the journalistic lottery.
"And Ladybug how does that make you feel?" Nadja almost pushed her microphone into Ladybugs face, Ladybug leaned forward. "Well it's a little silly yo blurt it out on prime tv but I've seen them together, they're very cute." Ladybug gave Chat a look of smugness and turned back to Nadja, the two of them were very much enjoying this charade.
"So how did you meet this Marinette?" Ladybug had to resist asking why Nadja was acting like she didn't know her, Marinette babysit manon all the time.
"Well I met her on a mission, this akumatized villian was in love with her and she helped me take him down." Nadja was listening intentally to every word each one of then said as though the rest of her career depended on it. "What about your love for Ladybug?"
"Me and Bugaboo will always be close but I simply adore my girlfriend." Adrien had to reframe from announcing that they were the same person, he wasn't lying he adored Marinette and her superhero alterego.
"Besides," Ladybug added, "I have a boyfriend." Nadja looked like she had gone from cloud 9 to cloud 900 with one sentence.
"Really?" She prodded, "Who might that be?" Ladybug grinned, "Well I guess I'll tell you." Ladybug sat back, "Adrien Agreste." Nadja's jaw almost detached from her face. Ladybug and Chat were trying their best to hold in their rocus laughter.
"Well that's quite the scoop!" Nadja declared, she began tapping on her tablet. Ladybug and Chat could both see the record that the rating were sky high, they smirked at eachother, this was gonna be fun.

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