Chapter 6 - Heroes Exebiton

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To say Marinette and Adrien where suprised by what they saw at the school would be an understatement.

They met Alya and Nino at the park respectively and then walked over to the school.
There was a large yellow banner hanging over the door to the school reading
Hero exebition
For the two actual superheroes of Paris that was both intriguing and deeply concerning.

It turns out the school was hosting an exhibition of Ladybug and Chat noir greatest accomplishments, to which Alya whispered to Marinette jokingly, "What about rena rouge?" Adrien, who only just found out that Alya had been rena rouge, heard this and tried his best not to laugh, especially when Marinette replied, "No carapace either, thought you'd be more upset about that." To which Alya elbowed the side of Marinette's arm and dragged her away.

The exhibition exibited photos, (alot of which were from alya's blog,) regarding Ladybug and Chat noir's victoires.
Photos of time breaker and timetagger, Adrien and Marinette couldn't argue that their victories against those two were hard work, time travel was always difficult to beat.
A photo of, dark cupid, a battle chat noir didn't remeber much to his dismay as he had learned Ladybug had kissed him that day, or Marinette he should say, Adrien thought correcting himself. A photo of, Stoneheart, their very first villian, Gorizilla, Adrien's bodyguard, whom he'd escaped by throwing himself of the mount parnost tower. Dark owl, Sandboy, Catalyst, robustous, Chamelion, Stormy weather 2.0, Desparada (a villian had Adrien had fought more than once,) Kwamisbuster, Startrain, Lies, Guiltrip and many more.
Almost their entire hero career's were plastered across the school, it was only then that they realised just how many crazy types of villians they had fought.

But while Marinette looked around and heard others discus who they thought were the most difficult to beat villains, Marinette knew there was one villian who to her was harder to beat than any other and yet wasn't in a single photo there, Chat blanc the nightmare version of Chat noir that had almost destroyed the entire universe.
Marinette had never told anyone about Chat blanc, not Alya, not chat noir, not even tikki. She didn't like to remeber it and less liked accepting it had been real, she never allowed herself to think about that day except for once, a few weeks ago, the day they had to fight sentibubbler. That morning Marinette had woken up from a horrible nightmare, one in which Alya betrayed her and Shadowmoths got his hands on the miracle box, well that's all she had told tikki about the dream but what she didn't say was that chat blanc had showed up aswell.

She brushed the memory away and looked over at a picture of guitar villian also known as jagged stone, whom she got along with very well.

The rest of the exhibition Marinette and Adrien where dragged around by nino and Alya who bombarded them with questions about their favourite akumatized villian and who they think was the toughest.
"Lady WiFi." Alya suggested with a grin,
"Couldn't even figure out to take off ladybugs earring not her mask." Marinette joked,
"Oh please." Was all Marinette said,
"Oh yeah he was difficult-" Adrien was cut off by Marinette who said,
"He made chat noir act like an actual cat he wasn't that dangerous." Marinette failed to sustain her laughter as she said this.
"Well I'm sure Ladybug and Chat noir would disagree." Adrien said,
"Oh really?" Marinette questioned, Adrien nodded,
"I doubt it." Alya was looking at Marinette with an interrogative, raised eyebrow look, probably questioning how Marinette was acting so calm and non-marinettey.
"Alright then Mari-" Adrien said, "Who do you think was the toughest villian they faced?" Marinette turned her head upwards and thought for a minute.
"Sandboy-no reverser!" She said, "They did kind of similar things." Adrien speculated, "I guess they were pretty tough."
"You say that like you fought him dude." Nino joked, Adrien looked at Marinette with an awkward shouldn't have said that smile.

"Do you guys remember Bunnix?" Alix said,
"Where did you come from?" Alya asked, looking behind her back quickly. Marinette's ears went red, "Yeah, wasn't she from the future?" Marinette said, trying to pretend she hadn't met Bunnix, "Yeah, she visited once and never came back." Adrien mumbled, Marinette didn't know why but at that moment she was so unsettled she faked a cough and said, "I need to go." Before quickly scurrying off.
"I'm gonna make sure she's ok-" Adrien made a gesture for Alya to stop, "I'll go." He said, Alya went to speak but it was to late as Adrien had already dashed off in Marinette's direction.

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