Promise Of New Morning..

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The early morning rays of the sun stealthily seep into the bedroom of the Goenka Mansion where lay a couple entwined blissfully in each other. Mr.Arjun Goenka opens his eyes to a whole a new day awaiting him. His life had only gotten better with the coming of this beautiful woman lying beside him. He looked at her with all the love and gratitude that he could feel. There she was lost deep in her sleep while having been that one person who had shown Arjun his long last path to happiness and contentment. "Never can I put into words what you have done for me Shriya. Ma gave me the wings to fly high. I rose up and up without for once bothering to look down. You showed me how beautiful the world looked from up there. You are the reason I wish to soar higher and higher with you by my side and the beauty of the world all around. I love you.. so much!" saying this Arjun gently kisses Shriya on the forehead. 

Shriya slightly twitched her face and snuggled into Arjun' arms. Arjun shaking his head admiringly looked at Shriya saying "This girl can't stop her cute antics!". And then he engulfs her in a tighter embrace, entangling their legs only to fall asleep all over again.

The soft rays of the sun have now given way to the bright light filling up the room. Shriya gently opens her eyes feeling something rugged above her forehead. "Ahh! His stubble again.. This man has no time to shave his beard." And then with a sheepish grin, caressing his cheeks with her fingers, she thinks to herself "Well that's ok. Today am gonna shave this little pricky stubble of yours Mr.Goenka. And lemme see how you escape from me". 

 Time stops still as she lovingly looks at the man in her life. "Arjun, little can I put into words what you mean to me. They say that love is like falling asleep right? It happens slowly and then all at once. That's I fell in love with you! And today, you are the reason I am, you are all my reasons. Your smile, your anger, your love for your parents and little siblings, that little child within you hidden under the facade of responsibility , the pain and anguish of your troubled childhood which still haunt you and above all the purity of your heart - with which of these have I fallen I love? I guess all! Probably this is what love is all about, to love someone through their soul, in all honesty. Thank you for gifting me this beautiful life with you!". 

 Lost in her love for the man in her life, Shriya gently pecks Arjun on the lips. Well, that was enough to wake Mr.Arjun Goenka from his deep slumber and catch his wife red handed. Shriya blushes deeply at her act being caught by Arjun. "Ohkk.. So this is what you do everytime am asleep huh?" asks Arjun teasingly. " You think too highly of yourself Mr.Goenka!" says Shriya trying to hide her smirk. " I ought to when I have this beautiful wife by my side!" remarks Arjun. The two end up smiling at each other, the love and respect for each other glistening through their eyes as they wake up to a brand new day of togetherness.

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