Chapter 20

238 14 57

Third person POV

A/N I pretty much never write in third person cause I really struggle with it and I'm like really shit at it lmao so very sorry about this being bad-

TW: su!c!de, death, bodies, finding bodies

The dirty blonde and golden blonde took deep breaths and hugged each other. Then the golden blonde threw the phone on the ground.

"See you in the next life, Boo."

"See you in the next life, Toms."

They hugged one last time, in the moonlight before stepping up and onto the railing, holding each other's hands and steadying the other if needed.

Then they took their final steps and began to fall.

Lower and lower until they hit the lush, grassy ground below them.

If you observed them closer you could see that they were holding hands still, slight smiles on their faces.

The stream next to them now also held the reflections of two teenager's bodies, far too young to die.

The light, calming breeze scattered allium petals over the bodies.

It was what they would've wanted.

You could see by the calmness and relaxation in their bodies that they had found what they wanted in death.

Hours later you saw a tall brunette man, a shorter brunette boy and a shorter pink haired girl find the bodies.

You could see them crying and screaming and yelling for help.

And another hour or so later police came to get the bodies. They lifted them onto the separate stretchers, breaking their hands apart.

Everyone knew it didn't really matter. They were together in the afterlife, with their family and other friends, probably painting together- possibly even painting each other- in the afterlife.

But it still seemed to ruin something so small yet symbolic. A love stronger than friendship, a love that was so strong anyone in public would've thought they were brothers.

But no one would see them in public anymore.

The only places people would see them now would be their funerals and a graveyard.

And maybe, just maybe, a small watercolour studio where they'd met. 

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