Chapter 9

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Tommy's POV

TW: mentions shooters, paranoia, lying, swearing, flinching, self hate, teasing

I knocked cautiously on the front door.

What if one of the shooters were hiding here?

The door burst open, making me flinch.

"Tommy? Come in, come in."

"Thanks Tubbo's mother."

"No problem at all! We were all worried about you today. We heard about the shooting and knew you'd mentioned that you had lived near where it was. Did you see anything?"

"No. But I wanted to get out of there just in case anything else happened." I lied, feeling sick to my stomach.

"Oh yes that makes sense. If you feel safer here you're allowed to stay as long as you want. As long as you tell your parents of course." I disguised my flinch more this time.

"Oh if it's no bother, I'll text them now."

Shit. I hadn't even stopped to think if anyone else had survived.

I'd just been selfish and ran away.

"Tubbo isn't at home at the moment. Lani wanted to distract him from worrying about you and forced him to take her to get food. I'll take you to his room. Feel free to make yourself at home. You know where all your clothes are. And where all the food is."

Even though I hated myself for lying to her, I loved being here.

I could walk in and just silently help myself to food and leave and none of Tubbo's family would bat an eye. I had plenty of clothes here too for moments like-

Well, not like these. Normally there wasn't a shooting that I'd fled from, but anyway-

Moments similar to these. Where I'd just walk in and they'd invite me to stay. Hell, I even had a bed here.

One personalised for me, not like a guest bed.

Sheets and blankets and pillows, they'd taken me to pick out. Bedside tables and lamps for me.

It felt like home here.

I decided to text Tubbo.

'Tubbo I'm going to go live on your computer, please bring home as much Monster as you can find, I'm going to do a surprise stream that'll go for as long as I can handle.'

I needed to distract myself from my horror experiences from earlier.

'Sure Big Man. I'll join you for some of it.'

I smiled. I knew he didn't realise I was going to try and stay up for at least the next 36 hours.

Time Skip brought to you by my playlist being awesome

"Tubbo!" I yelled when he entered the room.

"Hey Toms. Here-" he handed me three 12 packs of Monster and a 24 pack of Coke.

"Thanks King. Coming in clutch like always, I see."

We hugged very briefly and then I started streaming.

I decided about 2 hours in to call Ranboo and see if he'd join.

I rang him up on Discord.

He answered and remained silent. "Hey there RanBOOB." I greeted.

He hung up.

He... hung up?

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