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Connor was losing air.

The maelstrom whirled furiously around him, whipping him through the water like debris. His arms ached from clawing through the foaming darkness, his fingers desperately seeking the surface. The full length of his legs burned from exhaustion, thrashing around with no perceivable outcome.

No matter how much energy Connor exerted, the raging rapids mercilessly flung him through the water, unyielding in their torment.

Being forced in every possible direction, he lost total sense of where he was, immense torrents of water pummelling the little air Connor had out of his lungs.

Connor felt the remaining energy within him fading away, his eyes managing a final glance towards the surface of the water. The chaotic painting before him was framed by his limp arms and legs, detailed with the last air from his lungs leaving his body and escaping to the surface. Through the last remnants of his vision, he glimpsed the thunderous sky beginning to brighten, the storm clouds parting to reveal the blue canvas behind them. Then, Connor felt a distinct lightness.

All of a sudden, he was on a wooden platform, floating smoothly across a featureless, waveless and completely flat expanse of ocean that extended beyond the edge of Connor's vision, a perfect mirror of the sky above it.

Looking over his shoulder, he faintly saw a receding storm, its clouds rolling across the sky into the horizon. Relief briefly embraced Connor before, suddenly, a gust of wind disrupted the water, rocking his feeble platform.

He spun around. A creeping terror replaced the relief he felt moments ago, his muscles stiffening.

A colossal mass of charcoal black clouds loomed ominously in the distance, crowning a titanic wall of foaming water. Faraway whips of lightning ignited the surface, thunder drumming the churning ocean. Connor was paralysed with fear at the sight of the indomitable force awaiting him.

The storm ahead was dark.

But a sudden brightness woke Connor up.

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