chapter nine

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The following morning, the gates of Knoxville High were on the verge of crumbling. A tornado was sweeping through the school, uncovering deeply buried truths that were thought to have been hidden away, reinforced with titanium lies.

Of course, when Connor innocently set foot inside his school, no physical tornado threw him off balance. However, there was a distinctly heightened murmur as he traversed the brimming courtyards, students spewing words at each other as if they were incapable of inhaling, only exhaling.

Phone screens were vigorously shared amongst dozens of hands, gasps following directly afterward.

It did not need to be explained to Connor that a tornado was indeed present at the school, hauling rumours through the corridors and across balconies.

He quickened his pace on his way to where his group of friends always sat. Roxy and Debra scrolled simultaneously on their phones, comparing something unknown to Connor. Lily and Blair were utterly absorbed in a lively conversation.

Upon the word "Jamie," Connor traipsed into their chat.

"What's happening?" Connor asked as nonchalantly as he could.

"If only you knew," Lily said. "I don't think you're ready."

Zane suddenly appeared, phone in hand, quickly approaching them.

"Did you guys hear?"

"Yeah!" Blair chimed in. "Jamie..." They looked over to Connor. He felt like he was sinking into the concrete.

"Someone posted screenshots on the school's public Instagram," Zane began. "They said... really horrible things..."

Connor teetered. "Explain."

"Everyone saw a text conversation from this guy's point of view and Jamie." Blair pulled up the screenshot they had taken of the now-deleted post.

They all leaned in.

Jamie: "I don't think this is working."

Me: [Drawn-over message]
        "We dated for seven months!"
        "You told me everything!"
        [Drawn-over message]

Jamie: "I don't know. I just can't."
Me: "I should have known better."
        "You didn't want anyone to know your little secret?"
         [Drawn-over message]

Connor stared at the phone, reading over the words again and again. The others talked, their voices distant as Connor struggled to wrap his head around the situation. Emotions flooded forth, but he wasn't sure what they consisted of. He froze.

"I... I don't get it. What are they exposing?"

"I think it's pretty obvious," Zane said.

Lily uncrossed her arms. "Jamie once dated a guy."

They all stared at him, awaiting a further response, though Zane had a crease in his brows that suggested he was unsure of how Connor was relevant to Jamie Corbin.

He immediately thought that it had to have been some sort of elaborate joke. It was simply impossible.

"You're kidding, right?"

"No," Blair said solemnly.

"Please don't fuck with me right now." Connor's bubbling emotions began to spill over in coarse twangs in his words. He felt like daggers were pointed at him from all directions, vulnerable.

"This is real, Connor," Lily added. At that, Connor knew that they were not making the rumour up at all.

"What...? Who? Who did it? And who is the guy?"

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