chapter sixteen

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As planned, Connor went to school the next day. When he caught up with his friends, he fabricated the story that the reason for his absence was not at all a stomach bug, but a stomach ache.

"Yeah. It went away and I was able to come to school today," he concluded. "It was really weird."

Some sighed. Some remained still.

The table they sat at was in the centre of an expansive field, the grass tall with stray tree branches scattered throughout. The sky was overcast, dulling the usually bright colours of the space.

The cold raised the hairs on Connor's arms.

"What about Jamie?" Roxy asked. "How have you two been?"


Roxy was not to be silenced so easily.

"What are you doing together? I don't mean to press. If you don't want to say, don't. But I feel like you owe us at least something little."

Connor stared down at the table; the curving grains on the wood drifting apart and then joining back together. Blair sat next to him, silent.

"We've been talking. He comes to my house sometimes. I like him a lot."

The grass brushed against Connor's leg. He imagined himself reflecting on the current situation he was in, glad he wouldn't have to be talking to anyone else other than Jamie. His words felt like a ball and chain.

"That's nice," Roxy said.

Debra pushed up her glasses. "Have you ever visited his house?"

"No." It came out like a mouthful of needles.

"Does he talk about his hobbies?"

"No." Connor began to lift his bag. The question had hit a nerve. "I'm gonna go. I have to do something."

"Connor, we don't want to judge you. We're just worried."

Roxy and Debra's expressions were like cracked stone. Blair's eyebrows were lowered.

"I know." He didn't even want to process their words. He exhaled a smile and left.

So quickly had the moment passed and yet so jarringly. He tried to shake it off, but couldn't seem to.

He slowly walked to his next class, wishing that the minutes until the bell rang would rush by. Connor walked down a corridor looking at his phone.

He suddenly saw someone walking in the opposite direction. Leilani.

"Oh. Hey, Leilani."

"Connor! I actually wanted to talk to you, just quickly."

Connor breathed sharply through his nose. "Let me guess. You have a problem with Jamie and I?"

Leilani was taken aback by Connor's snappiness. "No... I don't really care what you do with him. But it is about him. Oh God, I hope you won't be mad at me."

"What? What did you do?"

Leilani was reluctant to tell him. While Connor leaned in closer, she trailed backwards.

"Okay, maybe I wasn't ready to tell you now. And you look like you aren't ready to hear anything yet. Connor-"

The bell rang, signalling the end of the break.

Connor glared at her. "Just say it!"

"I- I'm sorry. I'll tell you later. You'll understand why."

Connor didn't expect himself to grow as bitter as he was. He attempted to reel himself in. "Fine. I'm trusting you."

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