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Hi, everybody!

It's me Hannah (gweysunchance) and I don't know why am I writing this like wtf

I'm not good at writing (Lol tru) and so don't expect my writing skills to be like john green's or j.k. Rowling and veronica roth.

I just enjoy writing, that's all.

And these kind of ideas keeps bugging me and if I don't write it down or publish it I would feel guilty and stuff

If someone's trying to steal my idea, pls message me bec im gunna hunt down that person and congratulate for being such a good stealer like heck yes!

I was joking at the congratulating part srsly i will hunt you down

Bear with me ppl !

Tell me if someone's story is familiar with mine's. But no. This is inspired by fangirl by rainbow rowell. So yeah. Sorry if u think i copied someone's ff but no i did NOT.

Hannah 💭

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