five - 1

24 2 9

Niall ❁

Justine and I baked muffins together, Greg, in the other hand, cooked dinner for us three. I took out the last batch of our muffins and placed it on the counter. Justine took out a bottle of water from the refrigerator and drank all of the water. I gave her a look, "Dude, you didn't even jog or run, but why-"

"I get easily thirsty. Like every time I'll walk from school, I would drink two liters of water." She interrupted as she shoot the bottle into the trash can. "Bear. with. me. I drink 5 liters of water every day."

"So, you use the loo a lot?"


"That's great. Yay for water!" I rolled my eyes and let the muffins cool down. Justine and I went to the living room to watch movies, I let her to choose the movie. She squeaked as she grabbed the cd.

"What move are we going to watch?" I asked as I snuggled myself with a blanket. She giggled and showed me the case of the cd. I snorted, "Sharpay and the what?"

"It's my favorite movie. Don't ask why. It's just my favorite actor is there." She said as she beamed to the screen. I rolled my eyes and threw a pillow at her, "Who's your favorite actor?"

"You'll see."


After watching the movie, we ate dinner and I honestly miss the food here. Of course, on tour, we don't usually eat food like these. Sometimes, our bus will stop at McDonalds and our guards will buy McNuggets for us.

I also found out that Justine has a huge crush on Austin Butler, Vanessa's boyfriend, she told me even that they're dating, she can imagine herself as Vanessa. She also told me that even it hurts, you have to accept the fact that the guy's older than you and will never date him because he's taken.

After we ate dinner, it's time to them two leave. I hugged Justine and patted her head, "Don't tell Irene, 'kay?" We took out our pinkies and pinky promised that she'll not tell Irene or else I'll throw her phone to the lake and never buy her a new one.

They already left.

I locked myself in my bedroom, logged in my fan account, which Justine gave me, she has many saved accounts so, she gave me one. Irene follows me, so that means I can DM her whenever I want to.

Unless she'll block me.

I went to her profile and stalked her, saved every selfie in her fan account. She's so gorgeous, she's a total impact. She's smart, gorgeous, brave, and very good at writing. She has everything.

Nope, scratch that, she doesn't have me.

That's the creepiest thing I've ever said in my life.

I wanna talk to her, be friends with her, or more than that. I went to my DM messages and tried to compose a dm for her. I'm literally sweating, I don't know what to say.

I stared at my clock, it was already 10PM. I sighed and typed my messaged for her. I feel so nervous and everything. I hope she notices me.

Here it goes: "Dear Irene..." I whispered as I shifted my fingers on my keyboard.


the next chapters will be shorter, it'll be their convos and stuff. Yea.

Part two of chapter five will be posted tomorrow!

All the love, H x

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