Day 6

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Sehun's eyes moved left and then right. He followed the movement of the mosquito and clapped; groaning when he found his hands empty, no dead mosquito. He scratched his neck and saw Jungkook there. The latter pushed his head between the bars and grinned at the officer there.

"Excuse me, you got the wrong person. I was just a normal guest in the wedding," Jungkook could feel glares from his partners, but didn't batt an eye. "You should let me go."

"Ah.. Look at that fool," Lisa murmured, shaking her head.

"Why did you even date him?" Hera pushed her head between the bars too. "Excuse me, I'm a well established person with an influencing family. You'll hear from my father if you didn't let me go right now."

"Shut up, malfoy." Officer Suho mocked her, and she slumped her shoulders.

Baekhyun yawned and placed his head on Taehyung's shoulder. "Wake me up if they decided to let us go," he murmured, and the latter pushed him away. The older one grumbled.

"Aren't you rich? Help us!" Taehyung nagged.

Mina was already asleep in the background. The girl had found a relief by ruining her ex's wedding. Joy kept staring at the entrance and stood up at once when saw her manager there. "Giselle!" she waved her hand to get the girl's attention.

"Ma'am." Giselle nodded, and approached the officers with a lawyer. Everyone waited for the update patiently. Sehun placed his chin over Jungkook's head as they both tried to strain their ears to listen to the conversation between the three persons. Hera and Lisa turned to Joy. Even Baekhyun and Taehyung stood up to give her a strange look. Mina also peeked an eye open.

"You... You told us that you lost everything and... I even gave you a discount." Taehyung chuckled nervously. "Then how come this girl called you ma'am, so of course your junior or manager whatever she is, looks so... rich?

Her lips parted. "I'm the sole heir of the 'Sooyoung fashion story', I... I actually ran from home."

Before any of them could reply, the officer opened the door for them. Mina woke up with a start. One by one they all walked out, and signed the papers for the bail. Taehyung kept glancing towards Joy, and smiled tightly when she looked back at him.

"Ma'am, you're required to report back by tomorrow morning." Giselle informed, and Joy nodded slowly. "Should we go to the rest house and get your belongings?"

"Yes. You're most welcome to our guest house. You bailed us all after all." Sehun bowed, and smacked Mina's head. She grumbled but bowed as well.

The ride back home was silent. Joy was going back in her own expensive car. Baekhyun glanced at the younger and sighed. Jungkook was driving the car with Lisa in the passenger seat, so they both were alone in the back seat. Hera was sleeping with her head on his shoulder. Her sleeping literally meant she wasn't there. She was completely out.

Baekhyun could visibly see the heartbreak on the other's face, and shook his head. "She likes you too. Joy."

Taehyung jumped in a startled reaction. He looked out of the window, and smiled sadly. "She's rich. I'm the guy with a guest house which I'm barely managing. It's on the verge of closing down."

"I'm not talking about her financial status, but her feelings." Baekhyun narrowed his gaze. "Don't go in self pity. I know money is important, very important, but feelings are too. You two are young, it can still work."

"Well, you're not young. So propose that snoring lady on your shoulder as soon as possible," The younger muttered.

He didn't take the bait. "I'm proposing her. In some time. First I've to ask her out on a date properly."

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