Day 2

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Sehun groaned as he pushed the cushion over his head, and tried to block the sunlight coming from the windows. He could feel his back aching from sleeping on the couch the whole night, and turned on his back, rolling down, and fell on the ground with a thud.

"What the-" He cried in pain, and scratched the back of his head in frustration. Blinking, he looked up at the woman standing in front of him. It was one of the guests.

"Hi." she smiled. "Do you need a hand?" she gave him her hand, but he just shook his head, and stood up on his own.

"Sorry you had to witness that." Sehun said, but didn't look apologetic at all. "You needed something? Hera. Right?"

"Ah.. Yes." Hera nodded. "I'm hungry. I don't know what is the timing of breakfast."

"It's still early for breakfast," He mumbled, and thought of serving her something random, but decided against it. "I'll make you something after freshening up."

"Okay. Thank you." she smiled, and he yawned as he went to washroom. Hera pulled her hair in a ponytail, and stretched her body. She was really feeling tired after traveling last night.

Baekhyun watched her from upstairs, and drank his morning tea. It was his online conference call in few minutes, so he was in his business suit. He had promised Jungkook a work free vacation, so he was closing the work hour in the early morning. His eyes roamed back to Hera. She looked innocent, and calm person. Should he approach her? What bad could happen? Besides, it won't hurt to say hi. Right? He took a deep breath, and started walking downstairs towards her.


Hera froze in her place, and turned around to see her long time enemy there. Lisa. "You!" she exclaimed. "Ya! Don't you think it's a height of insensitivity? You're following me around!"

Lisa rolled her eyes. "You bitch? You're here to ruin my holidays as well!" she went to her, and they both held each other's hair as they bent down to pull on each other hard.

Baekhyun stared at the scene baffled, and walked towards them hurriedly. "Hey! Hey! Let go. Lisa? Let go." he tried to call off their fight as he tapped both women's shoulder, sadly it didn't work. Instead, Hera's hand slapped his cup, and the hot tea fell over his shirt. His new black suit.

Hera let go of Lisa, and ran a hand through her hair, taking off her rubber band. She glared at Baekhyun. "Ya! Why would you come in between us?"

"Old habits die hard. Huh?" Lisa taunted as well, and looked at Hera. They shook their head at each other, and sighed. Both women rolled their eyes, and went upstairs to their respective rooms. Baekhyun stood there, confused and shocked.

What the fuck just happened?

"It was a good scene." Taehyung stood by the kitchen wall, and sipped tea. "You alright there?" he asked. Baekhyun glared at him, and walked back to his room with his now ruined business suit.

Taehyung frowned. "Did I say something to upset him?" he sipped tea slowly, and shrugged. "Whatever."

"Morning." Sehun walked towards the kitchen, his eyes half closed. He took the cup from Taehyung, and took a few sips of tea to wake himself up.

"You woke up early today?" Taehyung noted, and the older replied with a sleepy nod. "You didn't sleep last night. Did you?"

"How could someone sleep well on couch?" he asked, and yawned.

"Well,Joy slept in my room. So, you yourself gave your room to me," the younger replied innocently.

Sehun rolled his eyes. "I went to washroom and heard voices coming. What happened?"

"Nothing." The younger lied. "What are you making for breakfast? Without setting the kitchen on fire?"

Sehun glared at him. "Shut up!"

"I can help you." A voice came, and the brothers looked up to see Joy standing there awkwardly. "I love to cook. It's the least I can do after last night."

Taehyung crossed his arms against his chest. "Being our guest, you do have a consciousness. Good to see." he commented.

Sehun smacked his head. "Manners!" he scolded him. "Don't mind him, please." he looked at Joy, embarrassed before stepping out of the kitchen in excuse to buy milk.

Taehyung rolled his eyes when felt her eyes on him. "What?" he asked annoyed when saw her smiling cutely.

Joy chuckled. "Taehyung, you're a cute baby." she went to him, and pinched his cheek. "Do tell me when Sehun comes back with grocery. I'll make something." she said before walking out of the kitchen.

He placed a hand over his heart, and gulped when felt his heart beating fast. "What? Why?" he mumbled, and shook his head. "Ya! Come to your senses." he told himself.

"Cute baby. Huh?"

He looked up to see Mina giggling near the kitchen door and grumbled. "Don't start. She's annoying." he stomped his foot, and walked past her to upstairs. He groaned more when heard Mina yelling after him.

"Cheer up baby!"

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