Chapter 5

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"I hate you so much..." [Your name] muttered, a bit dizzy since they went round and round. You arrived there more than what you expected--3 minutes. The ride was too short. "You didn't warn me it was going to be fun... I mean, head aching..."

Levi tried not to let his amused smile show. "I can tell. You were telling me to stop, but then you said it was great. Then you screamed for help and told me 'I love you' then you told m 'I hat you' and to get you down. It's really head aching indeed."

"Tch. It's a first-time reaction, asshole." She claimed, though the pinkness of embarrassment on her cheek was quiet obvious. "Everyone has one. And plus, unlike you and your soldiers, I was never trained for such equipment." There was to be another exchange of words when Erwin came towards them.

"Commander, glad you could find her. And glad you came too [Your name]. There seems to be a bit of confusion right now." he said. And to make things easy to explain, he brought them near the edge of the village where soldiers were trying to stay focused on preparing to fight, but nothing could stop their confused looks. They looked at where they were looking, and saw the titans. Titans which were just standing there, starring at the people. Creepy and weird, but no one dared make a move at them yet. No one was fighting. No one was dying. They were just starring at each other.

"They can't past the line." [Your name] said. "They're forbidden to past the... holy writings when the cursed one is in here..."

The curse one. It rang in Erwin's and Levi's ears when they heard it. Was this the 'family curse' she was talking about? Was it the reason that the titans were not entering the place? If so, why was this place destroyed before? Things were still vague, but they fit some puzzles together. Th line was the one keeping them safe inside She wasn't lying. A line could save their lives. And in the most unthinkable way.

"Won't they find a way in?" Erwin asked.

"They can't, unless you're speaking of the trap." [Your name] answered, which seemed to catch a certain titan obsessed girls' attention...

"A trap? You mean a titan trap!? Where, where, where?! Can I please, please, please see?! Please?!" Hanji begged her to her knees, her voice so excited. Who could possibly disagree to that?

[Your name] agreed. "Though, it's just like a giant cage of steel. It's nothing special..." But of course, she was as excited anyway.


"And how does this help you capture titans? How can you even lead it inside?" Levi asked her, scanning the cage. It was, like a giant empty bird cage, black and steel/iron/whatever. There was a space between the grids as big as a human standing times two. Enough for the titans to be kept in, nonetheless, but he still had doubts thinking of the many possibilities.

[Your name] rolled her eyes. "There is something called 'luring', if you know what it means. Luring it with humans." she said, sort of offending him by acting like he was stupid. "What do you think? We give him pie?"

"So, you sacrifice?" Erwin asked.

"No. Though, only very few got killed. We usually try luring them in while near the edge, so the person could run in immediately if the titan was gaining on him." she answered.

"Then how did they get in the last time?" Levi asked, knowing he was hitting a sore spot. [Your name]'s eyes darkened, and she didn't answer. Though she could've been cut off anyway, since Hanji joined in and said, "Who cares of how they got in?! They aren't anymore! Now, let's go capture some titans!"


Surprisingly, for [Your name], they Survey corpse got to capture three titans at once (and live), making Hanji jump for joy, and strangely naming them. The 5 class was 'Zared' (blame me for not knowing how to name titans, I just used human names and search meanings (this is Hebrew for 'Trap' in Hebrew... which reminds me of a name of something that is 'Levi'... XD)), a 15 class named 'Lime' (now that was just totally random) and the 20 class 'Melli' (deal with it).

The Survey Corps were surprised that the titans didn't even get to break the cage. Suddenly, the 5 class Zared put his arm through the cage and tried reaching for a soldier. The Survey Corps began to panic but stopped. The hand was burning off at there the 'line' was, and the titan jerk its' hand back.

"W-What was that?" Eren asked.

"Is this... the family curse?" Levi whispered to Erwin. He only got a shrug as an answer. He looked at [Your name] who was in front of him, starring at the cage. He, like the others, couldn't help think: Who is she?

They were tempted to ask, but they kept their mouth shut for a while and starred at the titan who was trying to reach out for them. The titans should ignore the pain, yet why was it jerking away? When they passed it, it was just some old writing. To the titans, they seemed threatened. It hurts for them. Why? What was happening?

"A family curse..." Levi muttered. "It's keeping us safe, making sure the titan is away..."

[Your name] heard him. He knew that. He saw her glance at him, and they were just starring at each other for a while. She smiled at him, and starred back to the titan. Message clear: he was right. But he still wonders why, how, and what happened before.

There was also something else he saw. Interest. He didn't know. He just knows its' something. But he was too busy to think. He wanted to ask her on spot, but he held himself first. He'll ask her. He wants a private chat--like what he always do.

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