Chapter 1

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"Levi, did you hear that?!" Hanji asked excitedly, even if the person she was talking to had a bored expression. There was a loud stomping, getting her all giddy. "A titan, I bet! But, well, of course it's a titan. There's nothing else out here!" She laughed to herself. She was supposed to say something else when something interrupted her. Something they never really heard outside the walls. And it was unusually too loud for an animal smaller than a human...

Hounds. And the thing is, they only heard 2.

"There's... There's someone else outside the walls?" Eren asked, in surprise and confusion.

"You can't tell... The titans don't even bother the animals. It could be hounds left out here." Mikasa answered him.

"But I've heard hounds... 2 can't make that loud of a noise..." Armin mumbled to himself, not convinced it was something normal. Titans are strange enough! What else could be out there that no one else knows?

"Silence..." Levi told them. "There's... someone shouting..." And indeed there was. When everyone quieted down, they started hearin female voice.

"Hunter, Legion, stop it!" the voice yelled. "They're already dead! It's really grossing me out already! Guys, heel!" The growls and barks of the hounds quieted down.

"Head to that direction." Erwin instructed, pointing to the direction where they heard the voice. "There's no doubt about it--it's a human. And whatever she's with, it seems to follow her command."

"This is getting more insane..." Jean said to himself.

"Whoever she is... I wonder if she has food..." Sasha grumbled, a in her stomach and obvious imagination of different dishes she wanted to eat.

The trainees from 104th all laughed, glad Sasha was back to herself. And finally thinking about something, other than being eaten by titans or imagining any of their death--thinking of their own fears and survival. It was stressing enough.


They were about to reach their destination, when 2 hounds (white and black) jumped out of no where in front of them, preparing to attack. But the hounds were unlike what they knew--they were trice the size of a normal human.

"D-Do we attack...?" one soldier asked, fear obvious in his voice.

"Heel." they heard from a high tree. They looked up. It was a girl. [h/c] hair and [e/c] eyes. She wore normal casuals, like she was just taking a walk or something from home. She climbed down the tree and jumped onto the black hound, which was sitting straight up, along with the white one, at her command 'heel'. "Who are you?" she asked.

'We should ask you that.' some thought, but they kept their mouth shut and let th Commander, Erwin, do the talking... Which wasn't much different. "Before we state our business here, may we know yours?"

"Surviving, what else?" the girl answered, rolling her eyes like it was the most obvious thing. "There's not much to do here. You're the first people I've seen in years."

"What do you mean 'years'? Have you not entered the Wall Rose?" Erwin asked, as confused as the rest. "Or did you simply left?"

"Wall Rose?" the girl asked. "What's that?"

There were gasps and soldiers started talking to each other. "I've never known anyone who didn't know about the walls!" "Is she even one of our people?" "It's impossible she lived this long!" "Does she have amnesia or something?" "Maybe she has a phobia..."

Erwin cleared his throat and told everyone to quiet down. "May we ask where do you live?"

The girls' features darkened, and clued it was a sore topic. Although, Erwin did not let the topic down. "I used to live by the sea..." Hearing this surprised a whole lot of soldiers, and others questioning what it was.

Armin couldn't help himself. "You lived by the sea? Where is it? How big is it? Is it really--" He wanted to ask more questions, but Mikasa made him shut up. "I-I'm sorry..." he mumbled.

The girl just gave a confused look. "Why do you need to ask? You're acting like you've never seen the sea before! Unless..." Here eyes widened. "...Are you one of those walled people? The people living behind those walls to live away from the titans?"

"Um... Yes..." Armin answered. It sounded like the girl just heard about it in a book or something.

Her eyes showed amusement, and she seemed to stifle a laugh. Like a joke told to her a long time ago, and she only gave meaning to it now. She motioned her hounds to stand (causing some unease to the soldiers, making them stand in guard). "Whatever. You guys just better watch out. Like you know, there are titans here." Her hound turned away and started walking from the way she came. "Some are coming right now. Bye." Then she disappeared into the forest.

"Corporal Levi," Erwin called out to his friend.

Levi nodded. No words needed to be exchanged. He went after her.

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