The Story Behind This.

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This all started July 22 2017, which just so happened to be my 14th birthday! Lucky me... The living impaired were born that day...

I remember that day like it was yesterday ( but it was actually exactly five years ago. Now I'm 17. ).

Pov: Abigail five years ago...

It was a normal day just like any other, I had just gotten back from BrewWorks with my mom and brother. As soon as we got home I went upstairs got on my jean jacket, and went outside. After a half hour or so I noticed that not one car had come down our street. Which I didn't react to for a while... Until a car crashed in front of my house while I was playing basketball.

I ran inside to get my parents, when I got back we inspected the bodies laying in the cars. One was shot in the heart, slightly green. The other was awake, impaled in the stomach, "shoot me please! run before you will become infected too!" He said. "Infected?" I asked worried. His face went blank, he tinted green, and my dad shoot him right then. My question remained unanswered.

Then the corps shot in the heart in the other car got up. I bit my lip and pulled on my dads sleeve. "What Abigail?" He asks me annoyed. I pointed over to the walking corps. "Oh..." My mom says. My brother Abraham choses now to run up and see what's going on. "I want to shoot it!" He yells taking the gun out of my dads hands killing the already dead corps. "Good head shot" I say highfiving him. "Thanks I try." he says cockily. "Well playing black ops, actually pays off!" I say excited to test out my skills.
It's been five years and I have grown up and learned to cope with pain. So far I have lost my mom, sister, three brothers and dad. I have shut all feelings out except my tiny crush on Drake.

Along the way we picked up my best friend Alaina, and Laura our cousin. And Abe's friends, Drake Merwin (the one I have a crush on), and Duck Acid (the tall fat one).

Yes we had to get them, oh and Drake's girlfriend who I proclaimed we'll eat first. Honestly, what does he see in her? She the most annoying one in the group. So if I was annoying, would he like me too? Eh, maybe...
A/N: sorry for the late update, I let people pick their names so that's why it took so long. P.s the cover doesn't have the boys in it for a reason, and no they aren't dead. (Yet) also I've been reading too many books by amazing authors like yabookprincess BeautifulTragidies BravelyDreaming Just-Krissy and HauntedCreations! Thanks all your books are wonderful and addicting.

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