Finnally Home Again.

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(That's Abigail)

Abigail's POV

Ben and Gabe insisted that they came with us. Seeing Gabe got me depressed again... But for Alaina's sake, they came with us. The journey took three more days. Ben and Alaina got back together again, and Gabe was being nice, but whenever we were in the same room I was mute, or I just glanced at him and flat out left.

The house looks the same way it did when we left except a little over grown... As for the rooms, they were filled with dust. The basement was boarded up. It reminds me of when our parents turned. They told us to leave them in the basement together, so they can die with each other, and also so they couldn't cause us any harm. They also told us to leave the house and never come back, but nobody follows the rules all the time anyways.

The house only had a couple rooms, a couple being seven, so people bunked together. Abe and Duck, Alaina and Ben, Drake and Lacery, and then Gabe, Laura, and I got our own rooms, and we kept the attic as a storage place instead of a room under Abe's command.
Two Hours After They Settled In.

I was writing in my diary out in the old living room, since everybody else was in the new one. When I was little I used to sit somewhere nice and write in my diary, or write a book.

"Why do I get this strange feeling like your ignoring Gabe?" Drake asks me as he walks in, with Gabe trailing behind him. I was shocked. Nobody had talked to me besides Gabe since the extra meat got here.

I stood up. "Follow me. Now." I said sternly. He shook his head not willing to fight with me, nobody is except his stupid girlfriend Lacery, who doesn't know her own territory.

Gabe just walked in the room. "You. Ruined. My. Life. You. Bastard." I said to him, my teeth clenched together, showing my anger. "I recommend you leave here before I have to kill you mercilessly, and I will if you pull on the right strings." I said and started to walk away, but I turned around before leaving. I looked at him before walking back up to him, pulling him up by his collar, and smashing my lips against his. I backed up and said "I'll finish this later." As I walk away with Drake, leaving Gabe shell shocked...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2015 ⏰

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