Ben And Gabe.

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Abigail's POV:

About two seconds out the door the complaining started. "Why do we have to leave?!" Laycery began, along with other totally not very annoying complaints. I swear if she wasn't so ... Her she could write a book about annoying complaints. Ahh Laycery... So pitiful.


Five hours later...

"I swear if she complains one more time I'm gonna flip" I whispered to Alaina. "Your tellin me!" She replied. "Why is this trip so long?! Your all so boring too, and not to mention no cell service. Like seriously wtf!" She complained again!

Like I said I was gonna flip. I spun around and pulled her up by the collar. "You are not allowed to talk anymore for the rest of the trip or else!" I bombed. "Oh so scary..." She nagged, and I intended to keep my promise. I ran back over to her and punched her so hard she landed flat on the ground. In the distance you could hear faint laughing so I went off the trail to find the source, and of course everyone followed me.

When I turned the final corner, it revealed to boys running away from me. "Wait!" I yelled after them. I remember them from somewhere but it can't remember where. I tackled the brunet. He turned around and to my surprise Alaina yelled "Ben!" Then I remembered. I went to school with him, his name was Ben Krill. Alaina just nodded at me giving me a sign to get off him. Once he stood up I started petting his hair. It was just so soft.

"Hey where's my 'OMG it's Gabe!', I'm here too ya know." Then a guy named Gabe, who was the blond cought my attention. We gazed into each others eyes before I held out my hand for him to shake it. The last time I saw him I had a major crush on him, but that all ended when I learned that who I thought was pure had actually dated a whore. Then and there I lost all feelings for him and went into a gothy world of disspare.

He didn't take it so I just put it behind my neck. This was weird.

While everyone else was meeting the boys Alaina and I sat on the log nearby. While we sat there I got my priorities strait. I'll have no crushes, since both the boys I would have them on have already broken my heart, and not to mention the fact it hurts just to think about it.

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