Chpt 5 Everything Goes According to Plan

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*Authors note* Heyo Nami here! start the song above around the end of the chapter at the last bold word. That's all enjoy the story😁

POV: Atsushi Nakajima

'This guy..I haven't even finished eating!'I was visibly angry. "You didn't even let me finish eating! What was so important you had to drag me out of there?!"I yelled.They continued ignoring me and walked behind the restaurant where there were no people. 'No no no no no no THEY'RE GONNA KILL ME!!! What the hell! We were having such a nice conversation!' "He- hey um what's going on?"I questioned nervously. Dazai dropped me on the ground. "Hm? Oh you're gonna tell us where you're hiding the Tiger!"Dazai said happily.  With a slight glint in his eyes" Oh! Is that all? I thought you were gonna kill me..."I said in response letting out a relieved exhale. "Ha! So you do have the tiger! I knew it!" Dazai exclaimed, practically jumping for joy. "Huh? WAIT YOU DIDN'T KNOW?!"I Yelled in response. 'They didn't know?! They did that to make me confess or something? Do they do this to everyone they interrogate...if so WHAT WOULD THEY HAVE DONE IF I DIDN'T KNOW?!'

POV: Narrator

The two nearly scared Atsushi to death. Even if Atsushi was a good fighter with or without his ability, he really didn't wanna fight experienced "armed detectives". "Look kid you know where the thing is right? So just tell us and we'll leave you alone, and while you're at it tell us everything you know about the kid"Kunikida said. "I'm sorry Kunikida-san but I can't do that, the tiger is the only family that kid has. And the tiger's name is Kaiyō."Atsushi said sternly. " Listen, the kid and the tiger could be in danger if we don't find them,"Kunikida said to the smaller male. Atsushi then stood there and thought for a few seconds. "...There's an abandoned warehouse not too far from here. Met us there at 7:00 tonight.I... have five hours so I should be able to get into contact with "him" and Kaiyō"Atsushi said hesitantly"

POV: Doppo Kunikida

'I must admit Dazai's plan was so stupid it actually worked..I thought the kid was smarter than that... though, it seems like he isn't the one with the thread ability. Tch We should have just done this to begin with. 'I thought staring at the now annoyed looking Atsushi. "Look kid, I get you want to protect your friend and his "pet" but if you really think we're gonna let you out of our sight-" I said before I was cut off by Atsushi. "I understand , one of you can come with me when I make the call if that's what you want."It was silent and tense for a few seconds. "Maybe you're not an idiot," I said. "If that's the case then I'll come with you,how does that sound?" I asked, waiting to see his reaction. "That's perfectly fine with me, I just hope he agrees since he's not very fond of meeting new people"Atsushi mumbles the last part but still loud enough to be heard.

'So the guy we're trying to find doesn't like new people and has a pet tiger, damn this is gonna be "fun."'I thought. "So Dazai- Wh...Where'd he go?!"I Yelled. "Your buddy left like two minutes ago while you were in la la land, said something about calling the agency and the location of the tiger under his breath before leaving,"Atsushi told me.

POV: Osamu Dazai

"Seems like those two were getting along well!"I say laughing to myself. 'That kid...He was hiding something...Oh well not my problem now!'I thought to myself. "Well what should I do for the next 5 hours?"I questioned. I suddenly heard my phone ringing and took it out to see ''Yosano Akiko''. "Heyyyy,If it isn't my favorite doctor-" she cut me off as I said that. "You guys have been on this case for two weeks! What the devil is taking you both so long! I've been stuck doing your work!"she screamed. "Sorry Jeez...We found some kid with information on the tiger and the kid with the thread ability so , we're going to be meeting him tonight."I say in response "Oh is that so?"she says questioningly. "Yeah but, the thing is, the kid that gave us the information...He seemed to know something we didn't, granted we're only aware of the tiger's teleportation ability but he knew something."I say to her. "Ah, so you're saying this kid is a threat?"she says back. "I wouldn't want to give the guy so much credit but, yeah.I think we should recruit him along with the thread user since he said he doesn't get along well with new people"I say to her. "Well, does he have an ability?"Yosano asks in response. "Ah- well that I don't know,from what it looked like he knew quite a bit and seemed pretty good at getting information, that and lying"I say with a hint of frustration. "Well since you're recommending him then maybe he's worth all of us coming down to see."She says back. "Ah that's nice to hear.Tell me which station you'll end up at and I'll come greet you all."I say with lots of enthusiasm. "Yeah sure I'll text you when we get on" Yosano says before hanging up

Around thirty minutes later I received a text saying 'Tōkaichiba Station'. 'Hm. That's near where I met the kid.' I thought smiling to myself "Hehe this is gonna be interesting" I said out loud.

POV: Atsushi Nakajima

Me and Kunikida headed to a nearby gas station since we needed something to do for the next five hours as well as get in contact with 'him'. The whole way to the station neither of us talked to each other, you could practically feel how uncomfortable we were from a mile away. As we were slowly approaching the gas station I said something to sort of break the tension. "So...what's your ability?" "It's called Doppo poet," Kunikida says bluntly in response. "Okay" I said as I wasn't sure what I should say. "W-Well what does it do?"I asked to make conversation. "Anything I write within my notepad can be created as long as it isn't organic matter and the same size as the note pad"Kunikida told me."Ah alright"I say in response to him. We arrived at the gas station and he offered to buy me all the snacks I wanted as an apology for making me leave so abruptly before I could finish eating. I had no clue what half the stuff in there was. Since I wasn't allowed to have the luxuries the other kids had so several things were pretty new to me. 'Pocky sticks?'I thought clearly looking confused because Kunikida walked towards me. "That's pocky, they're pretty much bread sticks covered in specific flavored icing.The one you are holding is orange flavored" He told me."Oh!" I said, interested.

He ended up buying me all seven flavors of pocky and a water. We walked out the gas station and went to a more secluded area. By secluded I mean an alleyway not too far from the gas station. I sat on the ground as he walked away slightly while he was calling someone named Kenji. 'Kenji, I'll use that name. 'I thought, nibbling the pocky. 'Huh..matcha green's pretty good!'I thought, smiling to myself. 'From what he's been talking about over there for the past 10 minutes , it seems like the other agency members have come to meet the thread user and it's white how am I going to do this.'I was thinking so hard I didn't hear Kunikida trying to get my attention. "ATSUSHI!"he yelled, which is when I finally came from the odd world that is my mind."AH- Sorry Kunikida-san. These are so good I kind of forgot I was with you.."I tried to explain

We sat there in awkward silence before I asked if I could use his phone to call "him". He gave me his phone and I called someone just not who he thought I was. It was a guy named Kai,I met him around 4 days ago. He tired flirting with me thinking I was a girl so I used that to my advantage.I got his name and number. 'Damn dude just pick up already, this guy is staring me down.'He picked up! Yes! "Hey Kai,"I said once he picked up. "Look I know this is sudden but,I need you to head to the place we first met. You remember?" I asked, Kunikida seemed to have softened his guard because he seemed more calm than before. "Yeah the warehouse and make sure you bring Kaiyō with you."I stated,it seemed at this point Kunikida trusted me completely.Good. "I know you don't go anywhere without him it's just I know you're probably aware of what I'm about to say to you."I continued on the phone "The ADA wants to talk to you- Wait wait don't hang up...KAI?!" I looked at the phone for a split second then placed it back on my ear. "I-I know how you feel but hear me out, they're trying to protect you and Kaiyō."I stuttered briefly before continuing the explanation. "...No I'm not sure from what but, they're not bad people.I think.. We can trust them and your free to beat me up if their not okay haha"I said slightly laughing

"..Yes, I'm with one of the members right now.. Ah ok" I said before looking up at Kunikida. He was just waiting for me to finish. "Kunikida-san, Kai wants to talk to you,'' I told him. he walks over to me and that's when he falls into my trap. My threads wrapped around his neck pulling him farther into the alleyway, crashing into a wall. I walk to him showing him the phone.

POV: Doppo Kunikida

"AGH"I yelled as I crashed into the alleyway wall. The kid walked to me as both my arms and legs were tied to the wall as well. ''He was muted the whole time?! 'Whoever the kid called hadn't heard a thing he said. He had played me?! I could see him scrolling through my contacts just as thread covered my body. Just then two more odd looking threads wrapped around my currently tied up hands. I could feel the control of my own body fade away from me. Whatever this kid was doing he was controlling me. I was released and my body fell to the ground. My notepad and pen were placed in front of me. "I want you to make two things for me, "Atsushi said, not really paying me any mind. "First a voice changer with your voice recorded on it and second a glock 19" He said as he placed his hand on my head. He then smiled at me. It wasn't sadistic or creepy it was so kind that you wouldn't have even thought he was capable of doing something like this.

~To be continued~

Word count: 1790

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