Chpt 6 ..It all Unravels...

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POV: Narrator

Everything was going according to Atsushi's plan. Now he just needed to complete the last two steps and he might not ever have to deal with the ADA again. Though it pained him to put other's lives in danger he was afraid if the Detective agency got their hands on him it would be the orphanage all over again. That was a risk he wasn't really willing to take. He promised himself that he wouldn't put anyone into any serious danger, just enough to keep them out of his way while he executed his plan.

POV: Atsushi Nakajima

'Tricking him was easier than I thought, I expected to have to fight him before I could use his ability.' I sat there thinking as he was writing in his notepad by my will. I then use Kunikida's phone to send the kenji guy the current location. Kunikida-san doesn't seem like the type of guy to randomly send someone his location so...if things go the way I hope he should be calling in a few minutes.

I sat there waiting for him to finish making the two things I asked for and picked up the gun and voice changer.I look at kunikida and say "You must think you're so clever handing me an unloaded gun,isn't that right? I was kind enough to not cut off any body parts and yet here you are being an ungrateful jackass." I sigh as I pick up the notepad and pen and write down the type of ammunition I need for the gun then place it back in front of him. I proceeded to use the spirit threads wrapped around his hands to force his ability to activate. That's when I get the call from Kenji. I turn on the voice changer and answer the phone. "Kenji, I need you to get over here now. There are people here after the thread user and his pet. I've sent Atsushi to the warehouse to keep his friend from attacking anyone.And bring Yosano with you. Given the circumstances we might need her help."I say to the guy on the phone. "Alright,I understand we're on the way, stay safe until then-"I then cut him off by shooting the gun three times in the air. "Damn" I say "hurry up!"Then hang up the phone.

I then turn the phone off and look back at Kunikida who is staring at me in disbelief. "Your friends will be here to get you soon, as long as you're quiet until they get here no one has to get hurt."I tell him placing the gun into my old worn out over the shoulder bag. I then use my threads to tie him back up to the wall and call for Kaiyō. He teleports us to broken down building not too far from the warehouse we were to meet Dazai in.

POV: Osamu Dazai

I was waiting for the tiger and the thread user to get here when I see Atsushi running in here. I rush over to him because he collapsed when he saw me. "Atsushi, are you alright?" I asked, visibly worried. "..Hah~ I-.. huff huff" he said trying to catch his breath. "Hey hey,calm down, take your time and breathe Atsushi." I say to the smaller male trying to get him to catch his breath. "Is Kai still not here?" he asks as he's finally caught his breath. "Kai.? Oh is that the name of the thread user? I ask. "Yes. So I guess he's not here.." Atsushi says sarcastically.Well it's not 7 yet so we should wait a bit" I say with enthusiasm. "I'm excited to meet this Kai person."I stated while walking back to the metal boxes I was sitting on.

~With Kenji and Yosano~

POV: Narrator

Kenji and Yosano hailed a cab on their way to Kunikida. They stopped the cab a quarter of a mile away from the location they were sent so no lives were placed in danger. They continued running to Kunikida's location soon entering the alleyway prepared for a fight. Opon turning the corner they see him tied up on a wall. Out of pure instinct they rush to help him only to be stopped by threads. (Yosano coming into the alleyway on the left and Kenji on the right) The threads wrapped around Yosano's arms pulling her to the wall making her incapable of moving. The threads grab Kenji by his feet pulling him up into the air hanging him by his feet.

"Wha- WHAT THE HELL?!"Yosano screamed. "Are these threads?"Kenji asked, trying to remove the threads wrapped around his ankles. "Welcome to hell, how've you been?"Kunikida suddenly asked, causing Kenji to make a sudden squeak. "We came here because you were in danger"Yosano explains "Why didn't you tell us it was the thread user who attacked you and not someone else? You placed Dazai and that kid's life in danger"she continues, still oblivious to the situation they're in. "That kid IS the thread user. "Kunikida says Kenji and Yosano gasp at the new found information. "He's been playing us since the beginning. He spun his little web and waited for us to fly into it..."Kunikida says, as serious as ever. Kenji snickered thinking it was a funny joke.

The three sat there in silence thinking about how to get out or struggling trying to loosen the threads on them.Their efforts were futile and they were doing nothing but wasting energy so they stopped around ten minutes later. "There's still a few things that aren't making sense to me Kunikida. "Yosano says, suddenly breaking the silence. "Why did you tell us- She was then cut off by Kunikida "That wasn't me." "What do you mean that wasn't you? What devil happened here?!" she continued questioning. "To be short it was the kid using a voice changer made by me." Kunikida responds. "Why in the world would you give him a voice changer?"Kenji butts in. "I didn't give it to him, I was forced.AND before you ask how I'll tell you instead.."Kunikida tells them, particularly annoyed at the fact that he was tricked by some kid.

Kunikida explains how when he and Dazai met the kid he told them he had relations with the thread user and white tiger. "Was that before or after you guys threatened him?" Kenji asks with his usual smile on his face. "After" kunikida responds as blunt as ever. "Well no wonder he did all this, he was terrified!!"Yosano exclaims, trying to lecture Kunikida about his and Dazai's actions. "We tried to explain that we were going to help but I guess he thought we were lying and created a plan to lure us away from each other." Kunikida explains ignoring Yosano's lectures. "Still there's a few things that don't make sense." Kenji says spinning around in circles since he was hanging upside down. Both Kunikida and Yosano's attention was now on him.

"How did a child trick a seasoned detective? "Kenji questioned, obviously making fun of Kunikida. Kunikida being oblivious to this he answers "I'm not sure he seemed pretty frail and shy. Not to mention how he hadn't eaten properly in what seemed like years. It just doesn't seem logical that he'd even be able to harm a person with such a kind expression." "Well from what you're saying this kid is scared and malnourished. He's desperate and probably couldn't care less about someone else's life right now." Yosano says to Kunikida. "Do you think that he could have just been kicked out or run away from an abusive family?" Kenji asks with a saddened expression. "He wore tattered clothes you'd normally see at an Orphanage so I'm quite sure it wasn't abuse from his family."Kunikida says without skipping a beat. "A-Ah...I see..we- well umm.."Kenji stuttered trying to think of a way to redirect the awkward conversation. "Ahem...So he's an orphan that probably wasn't treated well while being at the orphanage, he must have ran away being fed up with being mistreated. And is a child without proper training of his ability but let's not forget the Giant tiger he's traveling with." Kenji says finally bringing the reality of the situation to the surface. "Haaah~ Man this is a real pain. I came down here to meet the guy and his friend only to find out it's a kid and his pet tiger." Yosano groaned. "Oh and Dazai is about to be met with an unpleasant surprise." Kenji exclaims as the other two turn to him with a look of both shock and worry. In unison all three exclaim "DAZAI!!"

~To be continued~

Word Count: 1,425

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