Chpt 8 A certain bomb, my god!

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POV: Atsushi Nakajima

"Um..why am I-"I tried to ask but got cut off. "What? The agency is on the fourth floor."Kunikida says. "That's...not what I wanted to ask.."I say softly. "We should be stealthy and take the stairs..Just in case."Dazai says. "Excuse me"I tried to butt in but Kunikida just yelled at me to be quiet.We had arrived at the bombers location,he was holding a hostage. "It's this damn agency's fault,damn it,damn it , DAMN YOU ALL."The bomber yelled. "The president.BRING ME THE PRESIDENT or I swear I'll blow YOU ALL TO KINGDOM COME!!" He continued. "The bomber seems pretty furious at the agency...Not to mention he has a military grade bomb in his arsenal "Kunikida whispered. "Well if we could find something to cover the bomb then maybe..but given the circumstances"Dazai whispered back. "I don't think I'll be of any use. Can I go now?"I whispered, trying to leave before things escalated. "If that's the case then there's only one method we can use now,"Dazai says, turning to Kunikida. 'Huh?, what the-Are they about to use their powers,' I thought, turning around. "One,Two three"They said as they threw their hands out.They were playing rock paper scissors...Dazai won by choosing paper. 'I thought they'd...what more should I have expected.'I thought, mentally facepalming as I feel like the only slightly sane person here.. "Go on, go on~"Dazai whispered,giggling at his win. Kunikida was annoyed however he went out to talk to the bomber.

"Listen kid, we can talk about this,put the trigger down so we can reason with you."Kunikida says. 'Just what is he thinking...he won't be able to reason with the guy.'I thought watching the situation unfold. "'re Doppo Kunikida aren't you"The bomber says,voice full of hate. ''He did his research huh.."I thought. "GET ON THE TABLE. ON YOUR HANDS AND KNEES NOW"the bomber yelled. "What?-"Kunikida said, cutting himself off. Their was a short moment of silence before the bomber yelled again. "Y-YOU HEARD ME!! TABLE NOW"He stuttered slightly as he yelled. "All right, just calm down,"Kunikida says as he gets on the table. "All right, it seems like I should be leaving now"I whispered as I tried to move over to the door.Dazai grabbed me by the side pulling me over to him. "Where do you think you're going?He's obviously done his research so I can't confront him.That means it'll be your job."Dazai whispers as he moves over to a bunch of boxes. "I mean you could just use your threads to wrap him up or something."he suggests. "The thing is with my threads,I could end up cutting something off if I mess up."I respond with a grimacing face. "Then I guess the only option we have is you confronting him."Dazai says with a sigh. "Or you could bring him the president like he asked."I say slightly bothered that he keeps suggesting I handle it. "Why would I bring my boss into such a dangerous situation..besides he's out on a vacation."Dazai says, handing me a delivery bag filled with newspapers. I sigh and start removing the coat on my shoulder and my vest. "W-what are you doing!"he asks in a whisper-yell tone. "I need to look like a delivery boy,at least a little,"I responded. Undoing my tie slightly,I placed the bag over my shoulder and head to confront the bomber.

'Don't die.Don't die.Don't die,'I repeated in my head as I opened my mouth to speak. "H-hey d-d-don't do it."I squeaked.The bomber looks over to me with a very piercing gaze.I felt like I would die if I said something wrong. "Who the hell are you!!"he yelled, causing me to jump back. "N-newspaper! I came t-to deliver the newspaper!"I stutter trying to explain. "And what does the delivery guy have to do with this?!"He asks. " matter how much you may hate them,you shouldn't take a hostage and set off bombs!"I yelled clutching the newspapers. "I mean think of all the things worth living for!"I screamed still holding onto the newspapers. "Ok then give me one reason to go on living."he says as he waves the trigger in the air. 'I-I didn't think that far ahead!!'I thought staring at the bomber. "C-Chazuke!"I yell ,getting weird stares in return. ""he asks. "YEAH Chazuke is a reason to live and cats, and waking up to see a brand new day and proving those who hurt and abused you in the past were wrong!!"I continue to yell.Everyone continues to stare at me as I go on a tangent. "But if you press that button neither you nor I will be able to do that."continuing talking, taking a step forward as I place my hand on my face. "I'm sure you wish you were dead sometimes,I mean almost everyone has,but here are people whose lives are awful but they still go on living.."wobbling from side to side I have single handedly confused the bomber. "P-people like..?"he asks. "People like me! My life has been awful since I was born."my eyes widened and arms flaring in the air as I've finally truly opened up to someone.I was in a life or death situation and I was about to explain my trauma,how nice. "I'm an orphan so I have no friends or family to go to.I've eaten nothing but stale or moldy bread most of my life."I say. 'What's worse is that I have such a cat obsession that I've managed to get a pet tiger.' "I've been beaten,burned,hung and drowned more times than I can count.My mental health isn't the best and I've been trying to find a job for two weeks after I was kicked out of the orphanage."I was honestly tearing up at this point and wasn't even thinking about the bomber anymore. "SO YEAH my life sucks but I haven't gone psycho!!" yelling causing the bomber to jump slightly. "Now..put the trigger down and we can look for jobs together.''I say as I scurry up to him. "Y-yeah well I'm not really looking for-''he was cut off by Dazai yelling at Kunikida. "Yeah yeah I got it. ''Doppo poet,wire gun''!"he yelled pulling a piece of paper from his note pad.The page soon turned into the wire gun and he shot it at the bombers hand pulling it into his. "Get him Kunikida-kun!"Dazai shouts from behind. "Like I said before I GOT IT"Kunikida then yells back as he grabs the bomber by the collar throwing him onto the ground. "Woohoo that's one down.All right everyone good job!"said by Dazai now moving towards Kunikida..and the bomber he was sitting on.I sigh of relief that the situation was resolved..though it seemed odd. "That's one down?You're all talk no action.We may have defeated the guy but I did most of the heavy lifting.''Kunikida yelled. "What choice was there.You lost rock paper scissors Kunikida-kun"Dazai says with a very smug look on his face. "You bastard.."was the only thing Kunikida could say since...Dazai wasn't wrong.

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