Chapter 16

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Nightmare's Pov

Was this Color guy trying to kill my first love?! I was furious. I stepped on his face and kicked him to a wall. I was gonna torture this Color guy till he was DEAD.

Killer's Pov

I left the soon-to-be crime scene and headed towards the living room. I see Cross laying on the couch with relaxation. I sit next to him and looked at the TV.

Cross had changed the video I was watching before to a music video. I sigh and keep watching, suddenly a loud scream of pain creeped out of the dungeon. I look at the direction of where the scream was coming and went back to watching TV.

My none existant eyelids felt heavy and I fell asleep.

1 year later...

"Beep, beep, beep." I woke up to the sound of my alarm, I sat up and see I was in my bed. "What was I gonna do again? Oh, right." I then look outside and see It was still dark. I sigh and stood up.

Things weren't the same anymore. I went to the bathroom to get ready. After I was done, I headed towards my door and open it, I see Cross outside smiling at me. I gave him a smile back "Let's go."

I grab his hand and pull him inside my room, I dragged him to the balcony and we leaped out. Cross braced for the fall and so did I. We landed safely at the bottom and we headed towards the gate.

I jumped on the wall and push myself to the top and landed on a branch. Cross did the same and we hold hands and hop from branch to branch till we were at the top. I giggled and jumped over the wall, dragging Cross with me.

We land on the ground and we proceeded to run to the cliff. We dodged the traps along the way, Cross never changes, he always manage to get a scratch while I was looked like I didn't go through the forest at all.

We arrive at the cliff and sat down. I look down and memories flooded through my mind. "Hey, Cross do you remember that time when Nightmare threw that Color guy of this cliff?" I said hoping he would remember.

I heard a laugh from him "That rainbow farthead that simped for you? Yep, he was a dickhead that's why Octoboss threw him off this cliff!" I laugh with him.

We wheezed and lay down on the dirt, clutching our none existant belly. I look behind Cross and see...


I start to panic inside, I stood up and pulled Cross up to his feet. I grab his hand and ran for it, Cross was confused and he asked me "Why the sudden leave?" "H-he he he's here!" I said while tears on formed in my eyesockets. I didn't even look back and Cross stopped me and teleported us both inside the castle.

I bury my face in his chest and cry. "C-cross! H-he's g-gonna!" I said but was cut off by Cross rubbing circles on my back.

I then heard footsteps behind me and I hear a fammiliar voice. "Is Killer okay?" It was homicide. I hug Cross tighter and I hear Cross respond "No... he saw him." I hear a sigh then footsteps fading away afterwards. I felt the surroundings change and I pull myself off Cross's chest and see we were standing infront of the couch.

I sat down while shivvering in fear. Cross tried to calm me down by hugging me, Homicide tried to do the same also. He brought me my favorite tea and I accepted it and I took a sip. I calm down and took a deep breath and let it out. "Feel better?" Homicide asked me and I nodded. He sat next to me and grabbed the remote and went to youtube.

We watched anime since, turns out... Cross and Homicide are weebs. Geez, Cross losing that bet really turned him into a weeb. I didn't really mind, since I wanted to get my mind out of him...

I sigh as we watched demon slayer, after a few episodes in, we heard a loud thud on the floor. We look to the direction of the loud noise and see Horror on the foot of the stairs rubbing his already broken skull.

"Fuckin' asshole..." Horror groaned and Homicide and Cross just laughed. I look at him and gave him the expression of 'what happened?' Horror looked at me and grumbled "purple bathead..."

I then see scoundrel going down the stairs with an happy grin. "That's what you get for screwing my baby!" "You mean your beat up old bat? Hah! You call that thing your "baby"?" Horror said as he started to get up.

"Oh yeah? What about your clivea?!" Scoundrel said rolling his pinpricks. "Hey! My cleaver is a sight to behold! She is gorgeous!" Horror said defensively.

"Gorgeous my ass!" And just like that Scoundrel and Horror started to fight. I face palmed myself and went back to watching TV. I see Tanjiro slowly going into God mode when I heard someone apologizing. I look back at the idiots and see Boss looking pretty pissed and he's favorite mug shattered on the carpet with black coffee and I see Horror and Scoundrel desparetely apologizing while Nightmare just looked at them and hus tenticles around them almost squeezing them to death.

I knew they were in big trouble so I greeted Nightmare. Nightmare looked at me and his rage wore off. He sighed and put both of them down. "You better clean this mess and replace my mug or else before I get back from my office..." Nightmare said and turned to me and he greeted me back.

I smile and he left, Horror and Scoundrel look at me and thanked me for not letting them get in trouble and backing them up.

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