Chapter 1

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Nightmare's Pov

I teleported to the Anti-void and walked through the empty white space. Eventually I saw Error sleeping in a bean bag. I yelled at him, telling him to get up. He jolted awake at my sudden arrival.

He turn his skull towards my direction. He grumbled something and yelled back, "What the fuck do ya' want boss?" I chuckled a bit, seems like he forgot our deal... I glared at him and he got the message. "Here are the aus you might like." Error said looking pretty pissed off as he summoned a bunch of papers.

"Thank you, I thought you have forgotten our deal." I said as I walked closer to inspect the the papers for Aus that might catch my attention.

So, the aus that I recomend are UnderKILL, Malfra-" Error manage to say before I cut him off.

"UnderKILL seems interesting..." I said looking fascanated. "Show me the footage of the timeline..." I added. Error was somewhat surprised of what I just said but he showed me what I requested.

I watched everything on repeat, I gotta admit, I was impressed and smitten by the Sans of this au. He was pretty skilled, he was cute aswell. I turned my skull to Error who had the expression of a child looking at their mother who just had a long conversation with an old friend.

"This Au's Sans showed me that he's quite useful." I said looking back at a glitchy screen. "Can I have the Au's coordinates?" I asked with slight courtesy in my words.

"Sure, It's" He replied. "Ok, bye" I said before I opened a portal to the UnderKILL. I arrive in snowdin, right infront of a house. And I instantly felt a gush of strong negativity behind me, so I turned around to see...

The Sans that I saw on Error's footage of the timeline. God, he was a bit smaller then I had expected and a little curvier too. He had his back facing me, he was covered in dust and blood.

He didn't notice me yet...

I walked forwards to greet the small skeleton, I stopped behind him when we were a good meter apart, I glanced on top of his shoulder to see what he was doing.

There was a Vegetoid dusting infront of him. The Vegetoid was disfigured and had multiple mysterious red knives stabbed through him. I chuckled at this, enjoying the Vegetoid's misery.

Suddenly the Sans quickly turned around and shot me with a wave of the same red knives. I dodged them, but one knife slashed through my face. I winced from the pain and touched where the pain was. When I looked at my hand, I saw blood staining it.

I smirked and looked back at the small skeleton in front of me, I could see confusion written on his face. He looked down at his shoulder and said something weird.

"Chara, you said this was the last monster in the underground... why is he here And who is he?" I cocked my skull slightly to the right, I was baffled. I then see a faint silhouette of a... child?

He turned his focus towards me and asked me who I was. I gladly introduced myself to him. He didn't really believe me at first but after a "little" fight he finally introduced himself to me.

After that I asked him something that made him feel uncomfortable... to be honest, I didn't mean to make him uncomfortable. I asked him if he had a ghost or something.

He was scared yet shocked by my question, "Y-yeah I have a ghost, her name is Chara..." He stuttered, he rubbed his shoulders and looked down to the ground.

For once... I actually felt sympathy, for him. I asked him if he had good relationships with his ghost, He answered "No". I questioned him if he needed help on getting rid of his ghost.

He looked at me and asked me another question "Wait... you can do that?" I nodded and he pounced on me. He hugged me tight and said "Thank you!".

I asked him to join my team to pay of the dept on getting rid of the ghost. He looked at me suspiciously and asked me what kind of team it was. "Something out of a thriller movie." I replied, he thought for a second and accepted my offer.

"Sure, I don't really have a home here anyways..." He said while looking at the empty houses and piles of dust. I was half expecting him to turn down my offer, but I shrugged it off and opened a portal.

He hopped in and I followed behind. He and I was met with my humble abode on the other side of the portal. He stared at my castle in amusement.

Killer's Pov

I was met with a giant castle on the other side of the portal that my Boss made. I glance at him and asked him "Are you a king?" he replied "Yes". I turn my focus back to the large castle and we entered.

I was met with a humongous hall way, I was begining to ask myself if it's just my height or the place was a giant's home. He told me to follow him and I did what i was told. I followed him through the large hallways.

I glance at his height and saw that his head was ten inches away from the ceiling. I quickly looked back infront of me, I was embarassed of my height.

Then he stopped at a hallway that had 3 pathways. It kinda looked simillar to a cross-road but with hallways instead of roads. He turned his skull around and told me to go forward first.

I followed his instructions and went forward first. I walked forward through the hallway and was met with lots of doors. Eight to be exact.

I turn my skull towards him and lifted a hand to question why did he bring me here. But before I could say a word, he answered it already as if he could read my mind.

"Pick a room to be yours from now on." I nodded and inspected each room. Eventually I picked the room that was at the end of the hallway.

The reason? It had a large balcony that overlooked the garden beneath. To be honest I never really knew that he had a garden, ridiculously large and elegant one too.

I sat at the bed and Nightmare looked at me then grabbed a chair. He placed the chair infront of me and sat on it. "Oh, and one thing before you can officially join my team..." he said.

I saw that one of his tenticles was slowly making It's way to my soul. Then he grabbed it and squeezed it. It hurt like hell but the pain stopped when he let go and I saw that my soul was a target now.

I felt something was terribly wrong... and I was right, I couldn't feel anything at all, not even sadness or regret...

"So, you wanted me to take care of you're ghost?" He asked me while wearing a creepy smirk. Instead of answering I just nod my skull in response. He then told me to sleep.

I nodded and fell on my back, I suddenly felt myself slowly being drowned by slumber.

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