Chapter 31

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3rd Pov

"..." Killer sighed, Cross looked at Killer and smiled. Killer returned the smile and smiled back at Cross. "I guess I'll just wait for the right time..." Killer jumped off the balcony, followed by Cross. They landed safely on the ground, Cross then left for the kitchen and Killer stayed in the garden, sitting down on the grass. Jumping off the balcony was one of the quickest way to get down without going through the stairs. What Killer didn't know was... someone was watching him...

He felt weird, nervousness struck him. He shrugged It off and decided to lie down. His face facing the blue sky and his back facing the soft hay-like grass. He stared at the sky and birds flew by. A notification appeared in his phone, It made him jolt from his position. He sat up and reached for his phone inside his pocket. It was a message from Outer, he checked the message.

Outer: Hey Kills!

Killer: yeah?

Outer: You wanna video chat?

Killer: idk your choice

Outer: ok>:)

Killer's phone rang, and Killer picked up. He saw Outer in a cafe, "Woah! Where are you?" Killer asked. "At Ccino's." Outer replied while showing him the place. "Who's that?" Someone in front of Outer asked. Outer smiled and showed Killer to him. "Color?" "Kills?" Killer then laughed "Nice to see ya' again Color!" Killer said from the other side of the screen.

"Nice to see you too, buddy." Color replied, Outer felt left out and a bit jealous so he snatched back his phone and changed the subject. "So how's your kids?" Outer asked smugly, Killer chuckled and replied "They are not my kids! They're my friends." Outer laughed, making Color  jealous. He quietly drank his milkshake while looking Outer with jealousy. He rolled his eyes while listening to them talking.

Killer was unaware of the two people he was talking to. He actually didn't know their feelings towards him. "So you guys are living in Haventale?" Killer asked, "Yeah" Color and Outer said at the same time, both of them glared at eachother then they put on a mask for Killer.

Outer noticed that Killer was wearing a necklace that he'd never seen before "Hey what's that on your neck?" Outer asked. "A necklace? Why are you asking?" Killer answered and asked. "Nothing just asking..." Outer replied, A loud crash was heard on Killer's side and Killer checked behind him. He looked at Outer and said an apology "Sorry to leave early but one of the gang broke a window!" Killer then hung up.

Killer went to where the crash had came from, It came from behind the gates. He was worried that It was Dust. He checked outside and his suspiscions was correct. He saw dust on the dirt, badly injured. He rushed to him and tried to heal him, he was one of the people that could use healing magic. He checked his HP and saw Dust was on 0.001 HP. He called Cross on his phone and Cross picked up "What is it Kills?" "IT'S DUST HE'S HURT!" Cross quickly teleported to Killer and saw Killer's sight.

He picked Dust up and teleported him and Killer to the living room, the others were watching TV when they teleported in front of the TV. "Someone get the bandages!" Cross placed Dust on the table and Killer used his magic. Dust was healed to 0.035. Scoundrel arrived with a handful of bandages. Cross removed Dust's jacket and shirt and wrap the bandages around Dust's ribcage. Homicide arrives with the aid kit.

Killer starts rummage for something in the aid kit. He finds a antibiotic ointment and applies it on Dust's small cuts. Dust was still passed out making the team panic a bit. "Can someone put Dust on the couch?" Horror picked Dust up and placed him on the couch.

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