Please Read, It's Important

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So um about the book, somethings are very confusing. I just realized that, and in my opinion..

It's cringe.

That's why I'll explain some few things and announce some changes in the story but I'm not re-writting It, I'm too lazy to do that. Also I'm going not going to stick with 5000 words anymore It just really beats the crap out of me.

Ok time for the book related announcement.

About Killer:

Killer is kinda a doll like in the last chapter, picked up the habits of not sleeping early and texting. But he only does It if he has any free time, he has a crush on two guys, Nightmare and Epic. He tried to impress Nightmare like in the old days but "Failed"... So he started to get more closer to Epic instead, but he still has a huge crush on Nightmare. Epic is kinda like a coping mechanism to him and also a crush too. Everyone except Nightmare support him on getting more closer to Epic. Soon he feels a bit happier but little does he know his life is going to turn upside down. Also probably has a pile of poems that a bird wrote.

Also became aware that Color, Outer, Swad has a massive crush on him. Starts playing with their hearts to break them for his octopus that he thinks will never love him-
(Kills thatz a lie the octopus is completely obssesed with you)

Goopy Adrien Octopus Yandere Boii:

Ok, I admit that Nightmare is a Jackass. He kinda turns into the shittiest person to ever live. He is very cold and hes' that type of person that you would NOT want to fuck with..

Except Killer-
*technical difficulties*
VERY unaware that Killer has been texting another man and having feelings for him too. Despises himself everytime he gives a punishment to Killer, his temper is REALLY, REALLY, REALLY bad. Even though he looks like he is unimpressed with Killer he is secretly thinks words like "Heh, your to good for me.." "Wow" "Why the hell is he so fucking cute." Yeah stuff like that. Also has a secret room that only he can access, and do you know what's inside?

I'll let you guess.

It's a Killer shrine-

But he isn't the Ayano yandere you know hes' kinda like the "Normal, sweet guy in inside, not crazy, tough, cold, blah blah blah yada yada, and the I'll kill you because you laid your hands on the wrong spots guy" Wait a dang minute-
*Technical Difficulties*
He really loves Killer but is too much of a pussy to confess.

A flying lemon bird:

I like how you guys call him fried chicken and saying that you guys are going to eat fried chicken XD🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

An actor, poet/author, supermodel.


Killer actually had a past with Swad in SwapDream Au...


Killer and Swad actually used to date, but Swad was too obssesed in making Killer's face "Perfect.". So.. hundreds of plastic surgeries were put on Killer. On the last surgery Killer was fed up, he ran away from him. With the help of SD! NM, SD!NM helped him escape and opened a portal to the Creator's Doodle-Void. Killer arrived there and met LM. LM felt bad for Killer so she made him an Au and recoded Killer a bit and erased his memories of his past life.

But she forgot to edit Swad's codes...

Starboii/YaNdErE bOiI:

Outer is a blind and a dumb motherfucker that fell in love with Kills for "saving his life"(poor kills)

He is a stalker and a very convincing liar (And is working on a plan to kill Color) hahahahhahaha:D

Kill count 147(People who had a crush on the bean) One of Killer's textmates. That type of guy that's like "YoU hAvE lOoKeD aT hIm In A wRoNg WaY nOw PeRish" litteraly stalks Killer on a daily basis(because Killer often get's missions on a daily basis)

Also Pls gib a vote if you feel bad for Sci, Because Outer asked Killer why'd he saved his life and Killer explained everything in detail, but instead of going after Sci he still went on with Killer. Sci also has a big crush on Outer.

An even worst rip-off version of Nightmare:

To be honest, I hate this guy in my book only. Not saying in canon. Also this guy is a sadist, he also rapes Killer later on.


The only "decent" guy in the harem, but he does fight over Kills.


Gets with Killer then "cheats" on him with Nega(unexpected right?)feels bad for what he did and tried to get with Kills again but Killer refused.

Wat actually happend:
Swad made a deal with Nega that he is going to help him get with Epic so Kill and Epic breaks up and Gets with Killer.
(Which backfired cus NM got with Kills furst)xD


Ok some things too, I'll be changing a few things, So watch out. A massive time skip too-

Also sorry for not being active for like- almost 2 weeks, I was super busy lately. I am practicing dances for my yearend and practicing how I'll walk on the stage to recieve my medals and diplomas. I am almost done with my school year and is now graduating and is now turning going to highschool hahahahahha......

I'm younger than you guys think.

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