Chapter 12

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After an hour of traveling from the campsite they entered the Forest of Light. Geltoic landed and walked into the forest with them along with Morph. Thunder flew into the forest. "Do you think the Elves know  we're here?" A Ranger asked.

        "No not yet these areas belong to the Centaurs," Esale tells them.

"Are they dangerous," another ranger asked.

"Only if you provoke them or speak badly about them," she answers.

"What lives in this forest?" Ryan asked.


"Centaurs, fairies, deer, unicorns, Gryphons, and all kinds of creatures," she tells him. Once they were five miles in the forest they stopped to rest and let their horses drink from a stream.


"This forest is beautiful," Ryan tells Esale.


"Aye, and very old," she answers. Once they rested they continued on through the forest. They saw shadows further in the forest, and then an arrow flew past them and hit a nearby tree. A dozen Centaurs came out. Ryan noticed that a centaur had a body of a man and of a horse.


"What is your business in the Forest of Light speak quickly humans." A Centaur ordered.


"I am Esale and these are friends to the Queen of the Elves and too you," she says to them in elf.


"I am Vane leader of the Centaurs Army come with us Alexander would want to speak with you," Vane tells them. They followed them towards their encampment. Ryan sees hundreds maybe even thousands of Centaurs at their encampment. They are all different sizes.


"How many are there?" Ryan asked one of the Centaurs.


"Several thousands," a centaur answers. They stopped in the middle of the encampment. Another centaur came up to them.

"Who are they?" He asked Vane.


"They are friends to the elves and one of them is Esale," Vane answers.


"Send runners to the elves tell them that Esale is in our camp," the leader of the Centaurs orders. "Dismount eat and rest you are safe from the Empire now and their allies."


"Safe Yeigh right, we want be safe until the emperor and all those who serve him are dead," Jeroc says.

The Centaurs raised their spears towards him. "I mean of course we are safe." The Centaurs lowered their spears.


"Jeroc watch what you say towards them, they might cut off your heard," Esale warns him. "Remember all of you treat them with respect even if they don't show you any respect they joined the Centaurs by the fire. The Centaurs gave them food.


"What is your name?" Ryan asked the centaur leader.


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