Chapter 8: Bonds Unbroken

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"Squad C, advance!" the commander commanded.

"Yes sir!" Sheira replied, drawing her sword.

Squad C advanced with a higher speed ahead, opening the way for the troops.

Squad C, led by Sheira. Front line, advance, and opening the way.

Commander's squad, led by the commander. Behind squad C, to back up the front line and backline. Eyes of the formation.

Squad B, led by Eamon. Backline, secure the backline. Back up the commander's squad and squad C.

Sheira's POV

The woods are up ahead, we should slow down a bit and stay close. We have Eamon and his squad in the backline. The commander is also with us this time. Yuri and his squad are guarding the kingdom while we are away. Hopefully, they will be okay.

"Attention!" the commander exclaimed. "We're entering the woods, stay close to each other. Prepare for a surprise attack!"


There is no sound of them. It's pretty quiet here, and that's weird. The woods embraced a profound silence, as if nature itself held its breath. Not a rustle disturbed the air, and the quiet settled like a delicate shroud over the ancient trees. The stillness was so absolute that the mere whisper of a breeze or the distant murmur of a stream seemed hesitant.

"Ready your swords! They could attack anytime," the commander warned.

Suddenly, a male soldier yelled, "Look out!"

A Heian jumped out of nowhere.


He finished a soldier in seconds!

"Aria, Blair, Cara! Stay together and protect each other! The three of you, fight together!" I shouted.

"Yes, mam!" they nodded, drawing their sword.

I should help the others. Please, stay safe.

Eamon's POV

"Ahh! Stop!"

Ugly dogs. How dare you eat my comrade.

I sliced its neck, blood spread to my cloak, leaving a crimson stain.

"All of you! Aim their neck and slice it open with your swords! We're killing them for real right now!" I commanded.


Another one huh? Such ugly-looking faces. Your neck looks thin and my sword's thirsty right now. Don't worry, I will end this quickly.

"Sit," I said, hoping the Heian could obey me. But maybe I hopped too much, these creatures know nothing but to slaughter humans. I charge towards the Heian, slashing my sword in its neck.

Tsk. Filthy dogs. "You should've been a good boy."

Who's next?

Huh? I spotted a Heian not so far from here and it was acting weird. Why that Heian is...dragging its friend? I should just slash it with my sword.

"Take this!"

Huh? Unexpectedly, this one's quick. "You're faster than your brothers. I see, can I take your legs off first?"

I cut off its leg, making it paralyzed, unable to run anywhere.

"Thanks. Now your neck is mine." I sliced its head so deep, chopping off its head.

I told you to be a good boy. You should've been more attentive and learned some manners.

I looked around, it seemed that I was quite far from the formation. I should regroup. The backline should be clean for now.

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