Chapter 48: Beneath the Blade

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Eamon’s POV

My eyes snapped open, the echoes of my scream still reverberating in the silence of the room. Finnian, Asher, and Seraphine stared back at me, their faces etched with concern and fear. Their presence grounded me, reminding me I was no longer on the battlefield.

"What happened?" Finnian's voice cut through the tension, his eyes searching mine for answers.

Seraphine approached, her brows furrowed with worry as she explained the situation. "Eamon, you're safe. We brought you back here after finding you unconscious on the battlefield. The war... it's over."

Confusion clouded my mind as I struggled to piece together the fragmented memories. The events leading up to my collapse seemed distant and surreal, like scenes from a nightmare. But one thing remained clear amidst the fog of my thoughts. Sheira, was still out there, her fate uncertain.

Driven by worry and determination, I attempted to rise, the urgency in my movements evident despite the pain that flared from my scars. But Finnian, Asher, and Seraphine moved to restrain me, their voices a chorus of concern.

"Eamon, you need to rest. You're in no condition to fight," Asher pleaded, his eyes reflecting the shared worry of our group.

But my resolve was unyielding, my thoughts consumed by the need to find and protect Sheira. "I have to help her. I have to find her," I insisted, my voice strained with emotion as I repeated her name like a mantra.

Before we could argue further, a figure appeared in the doorway. It was the commander, battered and bandaged. His presence commanded attention, and his voice, though weary, held a steely determination.

“How are you, Eamon?” he started.

I could not hide the worry and frustration drawn on my face as I slowly stood up, giving him respect as I replied, “Good.”

He approached me with a solemnity that commanded respect, his voice carrying the weight of experience as he spoke.

"Eamon," he began, his voice steady despite the weariness evident in his eyes, "I know your heart weighs heavy with concern for Sheira. But you must trust in her strength and resilience. She is a formidable leader, and I have every confidence that she will hold her own until we can reach her."

His words stirred something within me, a flicker of hope amidst the shadows of doubt. I listened intently as he continued, his tone unwavering in its conviction.

"Our duty now is clear," the commander declared, his gaze unwavering. "We must train, we must prepare, for the time will come when we march forth to rescue our queen. But until then, we must have faith in her and in each other."

His words resonated deeply within me, igniting a fire of determination in my heart. I felt the weight of responsibility settles upon my shoulders, but alongside it, a sense of purpose took root.

"We may be battered and bruised, but we are not defeated," the commander proclaimed, his voice ringing with defiance. "We are warriors of ZiYou, and together, there is no challenge we cannot overcome."

With every word, the commander breathed life into our resolve, infusing us with the strength and courage needed to face the trials ahead. His words became a rallying cry, inspiring us to push forward despite the odds.

He grabbed my shoulder where my scar was as he gazed at me deep into the eyes. “Have trust in your comrades, trust Sheira, and… trust yourself.”

A sense of purpose began to settle within me. Though the weight of pain and sadness still bore heavily on my heart, I knew I could not falter in my duty to Sheira and our kingdom.

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