Chapter 44: A "See You Again"

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Sheira's POV

As dawn painted the sky in hues of pink and gold, I stirred from my slumber, my mind still clouded with the remnants of dreams. Beside me, Eamon lay peacefully, unaware of the stirring world around him. My keen ears caught a faint sound in the distance, drawing my attention to a soft glow not far from our campsite.

Curiosity piqued, I rose from my bedroll and followed the light, my steps silent on the forest floor. The glow intensified, illuminating the figure of Lyra, radiant and ethereal in the early morning light. I approached cautiously, offering a hesitant greeting.

“Hi, Lyra,” I spoke softly, my voice carrying a hint of wonder. “What brings you here at this hour?”

Lyra's smile was warm and knowing as she welcomed my company. She began to speak of her own journey, of battles fought and trials endured in the past. I listened intently, my heart heavy with the weight of their shared struggles.

“Ziyou has faced many hardships,” I remarked, my brow furrowing with concern.

Lyra's eyes sparkled with agreement as I recounted the lessons I had learned along our journey.

“Life is…love…hate…happy…sorrow…peace…war,” I murmured.

The sun rose higher in the sky as we spoke, casting long shadows over the forest floor.

Before long, our peaceful conversation was interrupted by the arrival of unexpected guests – bandits, their faces twisted with greed and malice.

In a moment like this… there are still betrayers of our homeland, my heart heavy with sorrow, filled with disappointment.

As I was still in my thoughts, a man struck forward. I quickly deflect his attack with my sword, pushing him back. “Get back, Lyra,” I told her to stay behind me.

The bandits slowly drew all their weapons and pointed them towards us. “We’re totally outnumbered,” unwilling to give up, I stay on my spot, preventing them from getting any closer.

Suddenly, rustling bushes signaled another threat. Gripping my sword tighter, I realized we were besieged from all sides. Without hesitation, the bandits charged, and I swiftly turned to meet their onslaught, only to witness a shadowy figure swoop down, delivering a devastating blow to our foes.

“Tsk, you've interrupted my sleep.”


Arvid and his troops also came to our rescue.

“Protect Lyra,” Eamon ordered.

He drew both swords, dashed towards the bandits. Swords clenched in the woods as the wind blew the leaves around Eamon’s fighting show.

Before the leaves could touch the ground, Eamon successfully knocked them down. The bandits cried for help, but no one was coming to their rescue.

Eamon walked closer to one of the bandits. “Remember my face, jobless man,” Eamon smirked as he clutched his shirt.

“Thank you, Eamon,” I grasped his shoulder.

I rested my right knee on the ground as I looked at the man in front of me who seemed to be their leader. “What’s your purpose?” I asked.

“I won’t betray my boss!” he spat.

I arched an eyebrow. “Yet you betrayed your country.”

“Come on now, my sword thirsts for blood, big fella,” Eamon interjected, eyeing his gleaming sword.

The bandit's expression turned to dread as he divulged their intentions, "We serve a man, much like the one behind you, but taller.”

I turned to Eamon, confused by what the man just stated. “What’s his name,” Eamon asked the man, anger filled his tone.

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