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"He looks so clam-"


"It would be better if he could just stay like this"

"His flames are leaving burns everywhere."

"Okay but they look pretty flying through the air"

"I'm surprised his desk is still holding up"

The calm serenity ended when one of Izuku's embers landed on Aizawa.

He screamed as he woke up startled.

Izuku sprang up, his wings flared as heat blasted through the room. His eyes were wide open as he sat there startled.

Bakugo screeched as he was the first one to feel the gust of heat. He was lucky it wasn't too strong...

Aizawa rubbed his forehead, an ember burn could be seen resting right between his eyebrows.

Was that intentional?"
He stared at Izuku who looked just as startled.

Midoriya yawned as he calmed down, "
I was asleep."
He slipped his headphones down to his neck as he rested his wings.

"Then how?"

"I got it on video sensei!"

Aizawa watched the beautiful video that had been recorded. It looked like a scene straight out a fairy tale. All izuku had to do was take himself to a forest at night to complete it.

"...I see."

"Here you go"
Yaoyorozu handed Aizawa ointment for his burn and a bandage.

"Thank you yaoyorozu"

He yawned as he checked the time, "hm.
The bell should ring just about-"
He was cut off when the bell rung.

"... now"

They all got up and walked off to lunch, izuku was still groggy from having been woken up so abruptly.

"An hour nap and you're still tired?"
Bakugo asked as he sat down at the table.

"Yes... It wasn't enough"
He replied as he sat down on a feathered seat he made with his own feathers.
He'd have to result to that due to the fact the lunch tables were weak.

"Hey Midoriya-
What was that back there?"
Kaminari asked as he sat down at the table.

"What was what?"

"The cool thing you did with your wings?"

"I flared them up?"

"No not when you were startled, when you were asleep"

"I wouldn't know...
I don't even know what you're talking about"

Kaminari showed him a video he has taken.
Izuku stared a bit dumbfounded, he didn't know he could do that.

"...I don't even know."

"Huh interesting. By the way do your feathers ever cool off when they're not on you?"

"Yeah? Why."

How long does it take?"

"Until new ones grow I guess"

"They grow back...???"

"Why wouldn't they??"

"I don't know- I just never expected them to grow."


"And there you go with being cold! Come on we were just having a nice conversation."

"...but I'm not being cold...?"

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