Capture The Flag

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"Now we can properly compete"

Monoma grinned as he put on the protective suit.
Tetsutetsu did the same as Midoriya and Todoroki awkwardly stood in wait.

"And now we can start!"
Tetsutetsu charged at Midoriya, he put a lot of trust in the suit.

Midoriya swiftly dodged him as he grabbed his hand, put it behind his back, and sent him into the ground.

While that happened, Todoroki was struggling with Monoma.

Despite Todoroki's icy efforts, Monoma was the one who ended up victorious.

"1 move...

Tetsutetsu screamed as he jumped up.

"I can hear your perfectly fine so stop screaming"
Midoriya hissed as he flared his wings.

"You didn't answer the question???"

"How exactly do you want me to answer that?"

"...fair enough"

"Round 2!"

Tetsutetsu charged at Midoriya once again, he was anticipating for Midoriya to turn to the side like he had done originally so he prepared for that...


Midoriya jumped up, avoided his tackle, and landed on Tetsutetsu's back.

"This isn't fair!"
Tetsutetsu whined as todoroki managed to freeze Monoma in his place.

"Get me out of this ice!" Monoma yelled as he shivered in place.

Todoroki melted him out as Midoriya stepped off of Tetsutetsu and let him stand.

Before we start the next round, I'm curious."
Monoma said as he paused their fight.
They all listened in.

Can you withstand Midoriya's heat?"

"I don't know...
I don't really use my fire."

"Yeah but you still feel more resistance in comparison."

" do you want to test it out?"

"Midoriya, give him 1 of your feathers"

"They're going to burn him"

"You don't know that."

"I do."

"Todoroki hasn't even used his flames for you to know how hot they can get."

"Tch. I won't be taking any responsibility if any damage is done."
He sent out one of his feathers and let it hover next to todoroki's left side.

He hesitantly raised his hand up to it and touched it.

"Not to-
Todoroki immediately drew his hand back as he cooled it off with his right hand as it was cold.

"Told you.

But you did last longer than the average person, most people would've lost their fingers if they kept their hand on for longer than 3 seconds."
Midoriya sighed as he put his feather back.

"This time I'm fighting you"
Monoma grinned as he stood opposing Midoriya.


The round shortly begun.

Monoma scorched Midoriya In flames, he knew they wouldn't burn him it wasn't the goal.

They were to serve as a distraction.

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