𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗸 𝘂𝗽 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗺𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝘂𝗽

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i was scared. was he gonna say he regretted our kisses? was he going to cut us off?

maybe it was something good though? maybe he was finally going to ask me out. he wouldn't make that move over text though.

i recollected myself and finally texted him back.

aido <3

                             okay.. what's up?

he began calling me a few minutes after that. i was freaking out that whole time i was waiting for him to reply. 

he was calling me on regular though? he never does. he always facetimes me. now, i was really scared.

i answered and said "hello?" in a very soft voice. i didn't wanna talk too loud because i knew my voice was shaky.

"i have a serious of questions for you" aiden said, sounding annoyed.

"um.. okay" i replied sternly.

"did you ever date teo?" he asked. okay, where was this coming from?

"no?" i said in a confused tone.

"so then why'd you kiss him?"

how the fuck did he find out? four months ago, i kissed teo. it was a complete misunderstanding. i was feeling miserable that day and i asked teo to come over to my house. i needed comfort and he was the person i always depended on. he had came over and made me feel better. then, suddenly, he confessed to me that he liked me and he kissed me.

it's been 4 months. i thought he got over his crush.

"how'd you find out?" i asked after a minute of silence.

"that's not important. when did it happen?" he asked, completely avoiding my questions. kinda unfair how he was the only one who got to ask questions.

at this point, my eyes started to tear up. what was gonna happen with us?

"like 4 months ago."

"okay so way before we met. i'm glad it didn't happen when we were talking. but if you knew teo liked you, why would you try getting with me?" he asked another question.

"oh so teo told you?" i asked, annoyed.

"uh yeah. anyway, answer my question."

no wonder teo looked so hurt at the sight of the kiss.

"i didn't know teo liked me. i just know he used to. i thought he got over it" i explained.

"ameena, that's such a lame excuse" aiden said with an attitude.

"what? it's not an exc-"

"ameena, that's fucked up. at least be honest with me. it's kinda fucked up talking to his friend knowing that he likes you."


"don't yell. there's no reason to yell ameena. you did this to yourself."

"aiden. think about it. him and delilah have basically been talking. i thought they had something. why would i know he likes me?" i asked even more annoyed.

"ameena, i can't with this shit anymore. when you're ready to admit what you did, talk to me" aiden said and hung up.

i threw my phone on the floor and broke down. i put my blanket over myself and covered my face with my hands. 

i cried for an hour straight. i didn't know what to do. why would teo bring up our past? he knew i was happy and we swore to never bring it up again.

as i started to calm down a bit, something clicked in my brain.

tell me about tomorrow // aiden arthurWhere stories live. Discover now