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It's all right to feel sad,
It's okay to feel bad.

There's always an optimistic and a counter side to a situation,
You can't run away from both.

You're a human,
Who can be cheerful but bittersweet too sometimes,
Who can sense outstanding but atrocious too sometimes,
Who can smile but can cry out too sometimes.

It's okay to feel what you're feeling,
That's the appearance of life.

You can't always be tough,
You don't have to pretend to be strong,
Let the things flow.

Whatever is happening is meant to be,
It will happen no matter what.

So just let the things flow,
And remember to be grateful for what you have.

What's going on is because of a reason,
To be unfolded at the right time.
Keep smiling that beautiful smile of yours.

▔▔▔▔▔▔▔◥ 😁 ◤▔▔▔▔▔▔▔

Posted on: 10 Feb, 2022.

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