They're Kids...Again? (Twilight Fan. Fic.)

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Esme's POV

" I don't know. I just don't know. How can this happen?", I yelled.

" There is no reasonable explination... I don't get it. How is this possible? The children. Even Jacob, they're all... kids.... again....?", Carlisle looked completely confused.

" We have to raise them, you know that, right?", I sighed.

" Yeah.", he answered.

With that I picked up Bella and cradled her. She fell asleep. SHE FELL ASLEEP?

" So they can sleep?", Carlisle asked confused.

" I guess.... I don't really know, dear.", I shrugged.

" We have something to do and I know where to go to do that something!", Carlisle spoke like he was making a speech. Even with a finger in the air as if he had an idea.

" Carlisle!", Esme blushed. " Now is not the time for that!"

" No," Carlisle chuckled. " No it is not. Let me rephrase... I know how to get things useful for the children."

" Costco.", he sounded as if he was dead serious. I choked back a laugh and called the pack to watch the babies. They came and we explained quickly. Bouncing out the door we got in the truck that Emmett had bought for himself and drove silently to the store.

" What are we getting exactly?", I asked.

" If they can sleep, cribs. If they can eat human food, besides Renesme and Jacob, they need formula and milk, and baby food. And if they can eat, they'll need diapers. We'll also need baby clothes, baby bathing supplies, baby toys so they wont get bored, and if they don't have there memory, teaching supplies.", Carslile stared out the window while talking.

" Okay. Let's get what we need.", I sighed as we parked.

After getting all the supplies we needed, we drove home and the pack helped us carry everything in and set them up.

" If you need anything else, be sure to give us a call.", Seth nodded leaving with the pack. We thanked them and smiled.

" I hope they grow like half vampires.", I closed my eyes but opened them when I heard crying. Followed by more crying. Then they were all crying!

Running up the stairs I stopped at the room where I put all the girls in together. I looked at baby Renesme, she was crying hard and I picked her up and cradled her back to sleep. Rosalie was crying and wouldn't stop so I went to the bathroom to check if she was teething because the light was best in there.

Not a single tooth! All that child wanted to do was look at herself in the mirror. I handed her a hand mirror and laid her back down. Alice was crying because she wanted Jasper so I let them play with the toys for a few minutes. Bella was the silent one. Thank god. She was like an angel, just laying there staring off into space thinking about who knows what.

" Esme, come help me, Emmett, Jake, and Edward are crying and I don't know why.", Carslile whispered. I nodded and headed to the boy's room.

I checked Edward and his hair was flat so I gelled it up and he went back to sleep. Wow. That's just not right. I shook my head and picked up Emmett I changed his diaper, gave him a bath, fixed his hair, and tried everything.

" I have an idea!", Carslile jolted. He was back in a second with Rosalie who was awake in his arms. Showing him to Emmett, he smiled. Perfect. I took a picture of Baby Rose and hung it in Emmett's crib he slept soundly and we put Rosalie back to her bed. Finally we moved on to a little crying Jacob. He would not stop crying. We tried everything. Then we called Sam.

" Just let him sleep in the same room as Renesme. He's little but knows who his imprint is. Bye.", Sam sighed finishing the call.

I lifted his crib and moved him next to Renesme's so he had a view of her. Finally we ould relax for about... What? Twenty? Thirty? Minutes? Seconds?

I sat down and curled myself next to Carslile. We were both reading books and relaxing for as long as we could. I've always wanted children, but this many? It's great but... Stressful. Relxaing was nice. The peace and quite other then the snoring of Emmett was fine. WAIT A SECOND. I didn't put Alice and Jasper back in their cribs! I set down my book and ran up to the boys room where I let them play. They were asleep with a blanket on them, curled up together. How adorable! I had to put Jasper in his crib and I slid Alice's by his.

Finally I sat back down. Relaxing from this weird day. Carslile smiled to me and sat up.

" I propose they'll wake up soon. We should probably get ready for them. I'll take a shower then start cooking. While I'm cooking, you can shower, okay?", Carslile smiled.

" Okay.", I yawned out of boredom and we got ready.

After our preperations we were setting the high chairs. I heard a cry and recognized it to be Alice's. Carslile looked up at me and smiled.

" First cry of the day.", I laughed.

Sprinting up the stairs two by two, we got all eight of them to their breakfast. That was not a fun experience. Emmett started a food fight so I put them in time out. After that I put them each in their own cute little baby walkers. They all stopped at the t.v. and watched Elmo for the longest time. It was like they were hypnotized because they stayed quiet for a very long time and we could relax for awhile.


Disclaimer: I do NOT own any characters. Stephanie Meyer does. I write for fun.

Thank you, fan who warned me of not doing this disclaimer thing. :)

Was it a good intro to the story? The next chapter will be about them being five. I will stall in random ages so it can be a long story. If I get thirty votes I will make a spinn-pff of the story about random events or a certain plot of mine or the fan's choices. :)

For now,





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