Ch. 8 Isabella and Alec?

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Bella's POV

" Eddie, you never answered my question.", Tanya tried Edward again. She was tracing his arm muscle. I'm done with her!

" Umm, well... I... Sure?", he answered with a gulp.

" Wow.", I gasped.

I quickly ran out of the house. Not wanting to remember anything. I remembered Uncle Aro, who was a big part of all of our lives for a few years when we were younger. he had told me to come if I needed anything. I ran. As fast as I could run. I heard Edward call for me which made the tears finally poor. A pounding of feet came. It wasn't Edward's voice. I was past our home. He was back in Forks, and I was in Volterra.

" Bella! What's wrong? Please don't cry.", the voice sounded again. Cold arms wrapped around me and I finally looked at the face of the voice. Alec.

" It's the Denai Coven! They came and, Tanya took Edward from me. We were happy and now-!", I couldn't finish.

" Don't cry. Edward didn't deserve you. Stay with us.", he smiled. Me and Alec always had a close relationship. He was like a brother to me.

" I want to go back though. To Esme and Carslile and Renesme and Jacob and Alice and Jasper. But I can't go knowing everyone there is a couple except me.", I stuttered the tears flooding.

" You don't have to. Isabella... I need to tell you something.", he sighed.

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