Ch. 5 Cherry-Blonde

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Esme's POV

Edward convinced himself that he just 'thought' Bella and Ness were his. Great. When can we tell them the truth? None if them are with their correct mates. Well, Alice, Jasper, Jacob, and Renesme are...

Bella's POV

I was sitting with Emmett in his room with Alice and Jasper. I sat on his couch with him, Alice and Jasper were curled next to each other on the floor. I leaned against Emmett as he watched football.

" Raiders are gonna win.", Jasper prompted.

" No way! Chargers got a clear shot! Look who's playing for them?", Emmett protested.

I rolled my eyes and traced Emmett's muscles. He's been working out everyday. I'm afraid to admit it but... I think I.... love him. He's cute, funny, nice... He's like a giant teddy bear. He looked at me and smiled his bright smile. He sweeped the hair out of my face and gave me a quick kiss. I blushed slightly.

" Bella, let's go help mom make dinner.", Alice demanded in a sweet tone.

" Okay.", I got up and started to walk, but Emmett started his cute fake whine.

" I'll be back.", I laughed.

" I know, but I miss ya' already.", he winked.

I rolled my eyes, blushing, and walked out with Alice. She turned to me suddenly.

" Do you here that?", she asked. I listened.

" Not again.", I groaned. I walked into Jake's room and dragged Renesme out.

" Hey, just because your my biological sister, doesn't mean you control my life!", she huffed.

" Do I care? You're my sis, and I don't like you making out with our best friend everyday.", I sighed. She rolled her eyes and locked herself in her room.

Me and Alice started talking about what we could make for dinner and decided upon a nice Ceaser Salad with light dressing and chicken toppings, and ribs with our secret sauce. Secret sauce includes blood. Oh, and root beer with choice of blood/fruit punch. I was peering into my room as we passed it. I shared it with Rosalie. She's such a diva. I saw her and Edward kissing. Gross. I saw Edward look at me as I passed. Weirdo.

" Esme we got dinner covered.", Alice smiled. Esme nodded and sat down watching us make the food. We finished and all sat down at the table. The usual seating arrangement. Esme and Carslile sitting at the left end with books or the newspaper. Me and Emmett side-by-side next to Renesme and Jacob, then on the other side Rose and Edward, and Jasper and Alice.

" Esme, I don't feel so good.", Renesme said cluthing her stomach. All of a sudden all of us except Carslile and Esme were clutching our stomachs.

A day later we all woke up from a mini coma. I was in a bed, but not mine. Next to me was Emmett, the other side was Alice, then Jasper, then Edward, Rosalie, Renesme, and Jacob. I looked around and realized we were in the basement, where Carslile has his extra emergency room. I looked at myself. Fifteen?! We were all fifteen now?! Great. Just perfect. Hello highschool.

" We're moving... to Forks.", Carslile announced.

I nodded. Emmett was stirring back to reality. He looked realeved to see me after his eyes opened. He looked more muscular, and tall, very lean, skinny, and hot. I saw Edward get up and walk over to Renesme. He checked on her, than walked over to me. Emmett tensed. I had to admit, he was cute, and sweet, and... What am I saying? I'm with Emmett. Edward looked at me with hopefullness in his eyes. I turned to Emmett.

" Emmett I-", Emmett stopped me from finishing.

" Let's take a break. We can still be friends.", he smiled and I nodded. I got up and walked outside with Edward.

" Bella, I know that you've seen me staring at you from a far, but.... I feel a strong connection. Like we were meant for each other... Like-", I stopped him and kissed him. He held me in his arms. I heard a deep hiss erupt behind us.

Turning around I saw an angry Rosalie. She looked at me ready to kill but Edward simply pushed me behind him. Rosalie hissed loudly but I saw Emmett run out and tackle her.

" Never hurt Bella.", he glared. I felt a lot of love right now and saw Emmett kiss Rosalie and she kissed back. Can we all be happy now?

I walked back inside with Edward's arm around my shoulder, only to see a cherry-blonde and a lot more strangers....


Who could it be? :0







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